Monday, November 27, 2006

How Can You Make Yourself Become Great and Famous Like Dr. Jose Rizal

By Moises Padin Reconalla

Moses3_3 In the history of great men, you will be amaze and surprise on what makes them great and known in the pages of history. As a young man and a young Historian, sometimes it comes- up in my mind the following questions: What are the secret of these great individuals, why they became so famous in the history of mankind? And what are the other reasons that motivated them to became a great men of excellence and valor?

In this article, I would like to share with you dear readers, the secret of what makes Dr. Jose Rizal famous as well as well-known in the pages in history of mankind.

On the night Dr. Jose Rizal was born, other were born in his hometown Calamba, Laguna and hundreds of other children were also born all over the Philippines. But why is it that of all these children, only one boy Jose Rizal rose to fame and greatness?

In the lives of all men there are influences which cause some to be great and others not. Dr. Gregorio and Dr. Sonia Zaide, explained in their book entitled “Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of Genius, Writer, Scientist and National Hero” on what makes Dr. Rizal became famous and great than other Filipino people. Dr. Gregorio and Dr. Sonia exclaimed that, “In the case of Rizal, he had all favorable influences, few other children in his time enjoyed.” They continued and proved their statements by giving the following reasons on what influences makes him to become a great man of excellence and valor.

1. Hereditary influence. According to biological science, there are inherent qualities which a person inherits from his ancestors and parents. Dr. Rizal through his Chinese ancestors, he derived his serious nature, frugality, patience, and love for children. From his Spanish ancestors, he got his elegance of bearing, sensitivity to insult, and gallantry to ladies. From his father, he inherited a profound sense of self-respect, the love for work, and the habit of independent thinking. And from his mother, he inherited his religious nature, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and the passion for arts and literature.

2. Environmental Influence. According to psychologists, environment, as well as heredity, affects the nature of a person. Environmental influence includes places, associates, and events. The scenic beauties of Calamba and the beautiful garden of the Rizal family stimulated the inborn artistic and literary talents of Jose Rizal. The religious atmosphere at his home fortified his religious nature. His brother, Paciano, instilled in his mind the love for freedom and justice. From his sisters, he learned to be a courteous and kind to women. His three uncles, brothers of his mother, exerted a good influence on him. Tio (Uncle) Jose Alberto, who had studied for eleven years in British school in Calcutta, India, and had traveled in Europe inspired him to develop his artistic ability. Tio (Uncle) Manuel, a husky and athletic man, encouraged him to develop his frail body by means of physical exercises, including horse riding, walking, and wrestling. And Tio Gregorio, a book lover, intensified his voracious reading of good books.

Father Leoncio Lopez, the old and learned parish priest of Calamba, fostered Rizal’s love for scholarship and intellectual honesty.

3. Aid of Divine Providence. Greater than heredity and environment in the fate of a man is the aid of Divine Providence. A person may have everything in life brains, wealth, and power but, without the aid of Divine Providence, he cannot attain greatness in the annals of the nation. Rizal was providentially destined to be the pride and glory of his nation. God had endowed him with the versatile gifts of a genius, the vibrant spirit of a nationalist, and the valiant heart to sacrifice for a noble cause.

How about you? Also want to become famous and great man in the future like Dr. Jose Rizal? If your answer is yes, I encouraged you, starting today promise to yourself that you will only socialize to the group of wise people, those people who has a good visions and plans for the future. Avoid the negative, toxic people who are only fun of talking, criticizing, mocking the mistakes of other people, instead of improving themselves and doing a valuable works for self-improvement.

The word of God reminds you dear readers, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad Company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV). And Word of God added, He walks with wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20 NIV).

Before I will conclude my article, I would like to encourage you once again; Do your best and God will do the rest!

Always remember this, The Future Belongs to Those Who Believes in the Beauty of Their Dreams!

Wish you many Blessings to come as well as God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About The Author

Moises Padin Reconalla finished his Bachelor's degree in History and Minor in Political Science at Adventist University of the Philippines. He is also a License Social Studies teacher and worked as a College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College.

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Moises Reconalla - EzineArticles Expert Author