Love everyone just for the sake of our Loving God.
Some people aren't as sweet as they look. What's the use of looking good from the outside when you're so bitter from the inside. They are something in front of you and something else behind your back. Before you sleep at night, think about what you did today? Since you woke up, did u hate anyone? or did u make anyone smile?
FORGIVE everyone and Sleep with a CLEAN HEART.
The heart is like a flower. It grows when it's nourished with what benefits it and weakens or dies when its deprived of what it needs. Protect your heart and monitor what you exposed it to. And remember, don't hate anyone. Forgive everyone just for the sake of our Loving God. Even those who have been very horrible to you.
May our Loving God helps us to become His vessel of peace, hope, light, and inspiration to every people we meet every single day. May God bless us all