Dear God,
My faithful Friend and My Redeemer,the Creator of heaven & earth,
I Thank you for this day. I know I have not accomplished as yet you expect of me, and if that is your reason for bathing me in the fresh dew of another dawn, I am most grateful. I am prepared at last, to make you proud of me.
I will forget yesterday, with all its trials and tribulations, aggravations and setbacks, angers and frustrations. The past is already a dream from which I can neither retrieve a single word nor erase any foolish deeds.
i will resolve, however, that if I have injured anyone yesterday through my thoughtlessness, i will not let this day's sun set before i make amends, and nothing I do today will be of greater importance.
I will remain aware of how little it takes to make this a happy day. Never will I pursue happiness, because it is not a goal, just a by-product, and there is no happiness in having or in getting, only in giving.
I will run from no danger I might encounter today, because I am certain that nothing will happen to me that I am not equipped to handle with Your help. Just as any gem is polished by friction, I am certain to become more valuable through this day's adversities, and if you close one door, You always open another for me.
I will live this day as if were Christmas. I will be a giver of gifts and deliver to my enemies the gift of forgiveness; my opponents, tolerance; my friends, a smile; my children, a good example, and every gift will be wrapped with unconditional love.
I will waste not even a precious second today in anger or hate or jealousy or selfishness.I know that the seeds I sow I will harvest, because every action, good or bad, is always followed by an equal reaction. I will plant only good seeds this day.
I will keep a smile on my face and in my heart even when it hurts today. I know that the world is a looking glass and gives back to me the reflection of my own soul. Now I understand the secret of correcting the attitude of others and that is to correct my own.
I will turn away from any temptation today that might cause me to break my word or lose myself respect. I am positive that the only thing I am possess more valuable than my life is my honor.
I will pause whenever I am feeling sorry for myself today, and remember that this is the only day I have and I must play it to fullest. What my part may signify in the great whole, I may not recognize, but I am here to play it and now is the time.
This is my day!
These are my seeds.
Thank you, God, for this precious garden of time.