There are 12 elements that make great service possible. None of which have ever been taught in school.
1. Establishing and maintaining a positive attitude;
2. Establishing and achieving goals;
3. Understanding yourself, your co-workers and your customer;
4. Having pride in yourself, your company and what you do;
5. Taking responsibility for your actions, what happens to you, and the
success of your company;
6. Listening with the intent to understand;
7. Communicating to be understood;
8. Embracing change as a natural progression of things and of life;
9. Establishing, building and maintaining relationships;
10. Gaining the ability to make effective decisions (which means taking risks);
11. Learning to serve others in a memorable way, and,
12. Working as a team to make everyone more productive.
In order to serve—you must be prepared to serve. How important are each of these subjects in your success? Have you ever taken a course in any of these subjects?
Jeffrey Gitomer
Author of The Sales Bible, Knock Your Socks Off Selling and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless Customer Loyalty is Priceless