Dear Lord,
Thank you! Today you wake up my mind from a deep sleep. Thank you for reminding me that today is the preparation of my future success. Thank you for helping me to realize that life is full of hardships, pains, sorrows, and trials. The only way to beat these odds is to face and take them as challenges of life and continue on improving myself.
Therefore, beginning today dear Lord, I will not waste my time with idleness, laziness, cowardliness, and timidity. Instead, I will use it as an opportunity for the improvement of my being.
Beginning today, I will take charge of my mind. I've learned from my life experiences that if I think a negative, the result is always a negative. But if I think a positive, the result is always a positive.
Beginning today, I will take charge of my mouth. I'll be careful and tactful in my words when I am engaging in conversation with my beloved fellow human being. I know that life and death is in the power of the tongue.
Beginning today, I will take good care of my health for it is my only investment and tool to reach my goals and dreams in life.
Beginning today, I will take charge of my emotions. Everyday, I will motivate myself to act as an educated and emotionally mature individual. If it happens that I encounter insult and disappointment, I will just remind myself that this too shall pass!
Beginning today, I will put the others first and serve them honestly with love and care for these are my only chances to share the love, kindness and blessings from above.
Beginning today, I will teach myself to be compassionate, humble, lovable, and open-minded in dealing with people. I've learned from the counsels and writings of the great men of the ages that being a compassionate, humble, lovable, and open-minded person is the best cure in healing of the old wounds of the broken-hearted.
By being this way, I can help to cast out the doubts, feeling of inferiority and hatred in their hearts and minds. It can also be the best technique in winning the hearts of the wicked men and eventually to become his friend.
Beginning today, I will teach myself the importance of hard work, honesty, sincerity, time management, frugality, initiative, planning, creativeness, determination, patience, persistence, enthusiasm, cooperation, extra mile, faith, and trust in myself for these are the secrets of success in any field of work.
Beginning today, I will embrace all the hardships, pains, sorrows, and trials as challenges and stepping-stones for success. Trials are medicines, which my Loving God prescribed because I need them. He proportions the frequency and weight of them to what the case requires. Therefore, let me trust His skill and eventually thank Him for His prescription.
Beginning today, I will nurture my character for my character is the only shield to protect and cover my reputation against the trap and honey words of wicked individuals.
Beginning today, I will improve myself. I will encourage and teach myself the importance of self-respect and self-discipline for these are the foundations of success.
Beginning today, I will treasure the importance of reading good books. Books are the best, wise, patient mentors, and professors of all/any colleges and universities in the world. Books are the best source of knowledge and wisdom. Doing this can help me to become more discerning, a deeper individual and a great thinker.
Beginning today, I will practice to have my own originality. Today is my only chance that I can prove and show to the world that I am a unique individual, created by the loving hands of the Almighty God, who has a mission and vision to fulfill - to plant the seeds of my uniqueness and productivity in this land!
Beginning today, I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as defeat, failure, improvable, impossible, hopeless, and retreat from these for they are the words and phrases of fools and losers.
Finally, beginning today, I will make my Loving God a partner in every plan and decision of life. With Him, I can do all things that others think and see as impossible!
Now, with these precious short 14 vows of success in my hands, if I just diligently follow each precept daily and put it in my heart and mind, surely, I'll be the most happiest and successful person in the future.
Moises P. Reconalla
About the Author:
Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.
All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007-2008 by Moises P. Reconalla