Oh, What a wonderful world...
If there is only a love, there is no time for hatred.
If there is no time for hatred, there is no violence.
If there is no violence, there is no crime.
If there is no crime, there is peace.
If there is peace, there is a harmony.
If there is harmony, there is a friendship.
If there is a friendship, there is a friend.
If there is a friend, there is a relationship.
If there is a relationship, there is closeness.
If there is closeness, there is a loyalty.
If there is loyalty, there is honesty.
If there is honesty, there is integrity.
If there is integrity, there is respect.
If there is respect, there is understanding.
If there is understanding, there is kindness.
If there is kindness, there is tender-care.
If there is tender-care, there is longsuffering.
If there is longsuffering, there is joyfulness.
If there is joyfulness, there is happiness.
If there is happiness, there is contentment.
If there is contentment, there is frugality.
If there is frugality, there is abundant living.
If there is abundant living, there is prosperity.
If there is prosperity, there is hard-work.
If there is hard-work, there is originality.
If there is originality, people will mind their own business.
If people will mind their own business, there is no idle mouth.
If there is no idle mouth, there is no idle tongue.
If there is no idle tongue, there is no back-fighter, gossiper and mocker.
If there is no back-fighter, gossiper and mocker, there are no enemies.
If there are no enemies, there is no headache.
If there is no headache, there is no loneliness.
If there is no loneliness, there is no need to worry.
If there is no need to worry, there are no wrinkles.
If there are no wrinkles, there is a peace of mind.
If there is a peace of mind, there is no insecurity.
If there is no insecurity, there is self-confidence.
If there is self-confidence, there is no need to be afraid.
There is no need to be afraid because there is a loving and merciful God.
If there is a loving and merciful God, all impossible things will turn into possible.
If all impossible things will turn into possible, there is no need to doubt.
If there is no need to doubt, you can begin right now to dare mighty things to shoot for the stars of your dreams!
Oh, what a wonderful world if people around the globe will only imitate, exercise, ponder, possess, and apply the precepts above. Our world will be become a better, safer, and peaceful place to live!
All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla
Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, January 01). Oh, What A Wonderful World. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Oh,-