Life is a series of trials and errors. Trials and errors make you to become strong or to become weak. The matter of choice it’s depend upon you, if you will accept the challenge of life or to give up!
Timidity is considered by the writer as a great crime. For the reason that it can diminish the reasoning power and poise of its bearer that sometimes destroy the bearer’s precious name and pride.
A person with a timid spirit cannot trust on his intuition. He kept on wandering and blaming the circumstances as well as people around him due to the lack of success. A timid individual suffer without acknowledging his own defects in the matter of insight. He tortures himself by building judgments upon feelings and not upon evidence. If he will not learn to get rid of it, he is the most less fortunate human being ever existed in this land!
To enable to get rid of timidity, an individual should encourage himself to apply the following precepts.
1. Think positively. Exercise your will-power to dwell in the positive aspects of your personality. Never mind what people think of you. Do what you think is right!
2. Love and learn to appreciate your being. Never hate and blame yourself for the lack of success in life. If you experience hardships and setbacks today, remind yourself that this too, shall pass! Comfort yourself with this word: Learn, Laugh at your mistakes and makes a glorious one!
3. Learn to discipline yourself. Remember no one can help you, only yourself! If you really want to conquer the impossible and to shoot the star of your dream, then, learn to discipline yourself and everything you do will run smoothly as what you have plan.
4. Learn to focus your attention in one object at a time until you’ll be able to finish it. This is one of the secret formulas applied by the great men of the ages that makes them attained great success and famed in life.
5. Be an optimist in all times. Don’t wait for love instead feel, apply and share it. Don’t wait for opportunity instead find and create it. Don’t go for less instead gets the best. Don’t compare yourself to others instead be true and unique. Don’t avoid failures instead face and accept it as a challenge. Don’t dwell on errors instead learn from them and makes a glorious one. Don’t ever give up instead move forward and believe that you can if you think you can. Don’t close your eyes instead open your mind and think. Don’t run from life instead play your role and enjoy it!
6. Don’t be shy and afraid to speak out of your emotions and feelings. Share your knowledge and ideas. Prove to them that there is an iron and gold in your mind!
Starting today, make this as resolution as well as motto in life: I am the master of myself, I am the master of my destiny, I am the master of my fate, and I can excel in this land!
Remember, there is no impossible to a person who thinks he can!
Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!
Moises P. Reconalla
All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla
Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, September 21). Get Rid of Timidity. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 27, 2007, from http://ezinearticles.com/?Get-