He gave us the mind to think, to create, to innovate, to decide, and to choose for our life but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the eyes to see and appreciate the beauty of our world, our self and our fellow human being but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the ear to hear the music, the sounds of nature and the voice of our love ones, friends, neighbors, and co-workers but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the nose to smell the fragrance of the flowers, the aroma of foods from the kitchen and odorless smell of air but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the mouth to speak of encouragement, praises and support but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the heart to freely express our love, our emotions and our concerns to others but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the hands to use in writing down all our plans for the future to work for a living but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the feet to move forward to plant the seeds of our uniqueness and productivity in this world to stand firm for our self but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the power to sing praises, to brighten up our soul and make the world a little better place of gladness, joyfulness, happiness, and peacefulness but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the power to smile, to laugh, to make the world a little better place to live but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us knowledge and wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong but it’s up to you if you use it for good and bad!
He gave us equal time to do our activity under the sun but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the family, our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, sweetheart, friends, neighbors, and co-workers but it’s up to you if you use them for good or bad!
He gave us the natural resources to supply all our needs but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us the Book, the Bible to strengthen up our faith and guidance in the way we should go but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!
He gave us free hotline to communicate with Him but it’s up to you if you will take time and use it for good or bad!
Wish Many Blessings To Come and God Bless!
Moises P. Reconalla
About the Author:
Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.
He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.
You can send your comments about this Poem through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com
All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla
NOTE: You're free to republish this Poem on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the Poem is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.