Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How to Gather Honey Instead of Bee Stings

Few people realize the importance of the words they speak. There is almost no way to overemphasize the importance of what we say. Yet most people give it almost no thought, usually speaking without thinking.

The Inspirational Classical author, Og Mandino once asked to himself “Why is it, then that so many of us go out of our own way to offend others with criticism and offensive judgments that so often come back to haunt us? Why do we allow our big mouths to dig ruts in our path so deep that our forward progress is finally nil? Is this more of that “will to fail” that has already been covered?”

He continued and commented “If your tongue has been busy accumulating enemies for you, enemies you do not need who can harm you, now is as good time as many to cease and desists. How said it would be for such a petty habit to destroy your great potential.”

Another very well-known inspirational and classical author described the worst effects of criticism to the receivers. Dale Carnegie, in his book entitled “How to win friends and influence people” articulates that “Criticism is futile because it puts a man on the defensive, and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a man’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses his resentment.”

My dear readers, Dale Carnegie remind “When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” He warns that doing “criticism is a dangerous spark – a spark that is liable to cause an explosion in the powder magazine of pride – an explosion that sometimes hastens death.”

Carnegie continued and gave a very good examples in his above statements, “General Leonard Wood was criticized and not allowed to go with the army to France. That blow to his pride probably shortened his life. Bitter criticism drove Thomas Chatterton, the English poet, to suicide.”

I remember the Greek Philosopher, Phytagoras once says “A wound from a tongue is worse than a wound from a sword for that latter affects only the body, the former affects the spirit.”

In the Bible, James the disciple of Jesus Christ gave a warning of the evil poison of the tongue. He described some who try to use their tongue as praise and blessing to God, then turn around to use their tongue to speak evil of one another. “With it we bless our God and Father, and with it rue curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:9-10). We cannot use our tongue to curse and bad-mouth our brethren, then continue “business as usual” with our relationship with God. The Bible clearly says that such tongue behavior is characteristic of hypocrites. “The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor... “(Prov. 11:9).

The great teacher of all times, The Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us that our words are important. In the book of Matthew 12:36-37, Jesus exclaimed “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned” (NIV).

Certainly, my dear readers this is not a negative message. When we understand the importance and power of our words, we can use them for good. The Word of God clearly says “death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21 NIV). James the disciple of Jesus Christ adds, “The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a word of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and itself set on fire by hell” (NIV).

The above texts mean that life is controlled by words. I repeat, life is controlled by words. Words release authority. Words determine the course of events. Words matter. What should you do about this?

Ellen G. White one of the great founder of Seventh-day Adventist, gave a very good and inspiring answers in above query. In her book entitled “Ministry of Healing” she encouraged us that we should “Cultivate the habit of speaking well of others. Dwell upon the good qualities of those with whom you associate, and see as little as possible of their errors and failings.”

She further encouraged us “When tempted to complain of what someone has said or done, praise something in that person’s life or character. Cultivate thankfulness. Praise God for His wonderful love in giving Christ to die for us.”

And for those who are enjoying and making fun of criticism, she warned, “Evilspeaking is a twofold curse, falling more heavily upon the speaker than upon the hearer. He who scatters the seeds of dissension and strife reaps in his own soul the deadly fruits. The very act of looking for evil in others develops evil in those who look. By dwelling upon the faults of others, we are changed into the same image.”

She encouraged “Instead of criticizing and condemning others, say, “I must work out my own salvation. If I co-operate with Him who desires to save my soul, I must watch myself diligently. I must become a new creature in Christ. Then, instead of weakening those who are striving against evil, I can strengthen by encouraging words.” She added, “We are too indifferent in regard to one another. Too often we forget that our fellow laborers are in need of strength and sympathy. Help them by your prayers, and let them know that you do it.”

James asserted that “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless” (James 1:26 NIV).

People remember no one knows when life is over. Our life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears! So I encouraged you, don’t let your life die like an insects without doing something good to yourself and to your fellowmen.

Rebecca Barlow Jordan reminds “It’s not how much you accomplish in life that really counts but how much you give to other. It’s not how many goals you reach, but how many lives you touch. Believe in the impossible, hold tight to the incredible, and live each day to its fullest potential. You can make a difference in your world.”

Before my conclusion with my article, I would like to share with you a short story of the Song of the Bird.

Sufi Bayazi says this about himself: “I was a revolutionary when I was young, and all my prayer to God was … “Lord, give me the energy to change the world.”

As I approached middle age and realized that half my life was gone without changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to… “Lord, give me the grace to change all those who came contact with me. Just my family and friends, I shall be content.”

Now that I am an old man and my days are remembered, my one prayer is “Lord, give me the grace to change MYSELF.”

Had I prayed for this right from the start, I should not have wasted my life.

My prayer and my aim to God may this article that I have written here will help and assist you on how to improve your life in becoming a productive individual, a source of encouragement and a source of inspiration to other people!

Once again, I encouraged you do not let your life die like an insects without doing something good to yourself and to your fellowmen. Use your life as source of encouragement and a source of inspiration to other people!

Remember life is so short! So use it for a productive, for a meaningful, and for a peaceful living with yourself and with your fellowmen.

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...think about such things" (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About the Author

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling and General Psychology.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright September 2006-2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2006, September 30). How to Gather Honey Instead of Bee Stings. EzineArticles. Retrieved August 30, 2007, from

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Just For Today

Just for today, I will improve myself. For today is the sure preparation for future success.

Just for today, I will no longer compare myself to others; instead I compare only my past self so I can be able to become the master of myself!

Just for today, I will laugh at myself, at my errors and at my failures in life for these are the secret of refinement and emotional maturity.

Just for today, I will remind myself often with these words: Life is yours to enjoy. Don’t waste it. Don’t pass up living by thinking yourself into a failure and defeat. For there is always a room for opportunity and success. What you shall need to do, is to create one!

Just for today, I will cultivate myself to give its best to the world and the world will give back its best to me. For the world is a mirror of king and slave.

Just for today, I will be careful, watchful and vigilant. For the world is full of treacherous individuals. Therefore, in order not to fall in their traps, I’ll think thrice before I act and do my activities under the sun!

Just for today, I will motivate myself to be self-reliant, honest, hard working, humble, open-minded, have word of honor, respect, and originality. For these are the true secret of power, fame and integrity.

Just for today, no longer I compete myself to others, instead I compete only with my own self for here is a true secret of greatness and success.

Just for today, I will value the reading of good books. Books are gifts where hidden treasures laid given by Loving God to motivate my intellect to think and grow rich!

Just for today, I will share my knowledge, skills and talents to the world, so I can be able to lift up and give comfort to the wondering broken-soul.

Just for today, I will greet my beloved fellow human being with a sweet smile instead of frown. Encouragement instead of discouragement for “whatever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”

Just for today, I will not neglect to give praises and thanks to my Loving Creator. For He is the source of my energy, breath, strength, and wisdom. Without Him, I am vanities in all vanities under the sun!

Just for today, I will talk to Him with these words: My Great Creator, Loving and faithful Friend of mine, I am here now in your front to glorify your name. I would like to thank thee for all the trials, pains and sorrows in life you prescribed to me because it help me a lot to refine my character and views in life. I pray that you now help me to remove every single defect of my character, stands in the way of usefulness to you and to my fellow human being. Please help me to follow these precepts in my hands diligently, so I can gradually become a catalyst of change and inspiration to those people around me. Finally, can be able to bring them successfully nearer and closer to you. Thank you, dear Lord for listening and answering my petitions. In Christ name, I’ll pray…Amen.

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About the Author:

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this Poem on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the Poem is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Poem Source:

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

16 Step Recipes for Success

1. Keep on Dreaming. Only in dreaming you can awaken your giant within!

2. Believe in yourself. Believe in your skills, talents and abilities that you can if you think you can! Remember, no one will feel you insecure and inferior without your consent!

3. Read Good Books. Make reading good books as part of your habits. Good books are hidden treasures that can help you to become wise and leader among men.

4. Know what you are doing. Believe in what you are doing. Love what you are doing and never think of backsliding. For the world cannot be won with a doubtful spirit.

5. Act. Dreaming without acting is meaningless in all meaningless under the sun! To make your dreams come must work and strive for it with all your might!

6. Never accept defeat and failure, for that is the word and vocabulary of the fools and losers. Remember, success is never ending and failure is never final!

7. Learn, laugh at your mistakes and make a glorious one.

8. Be contented of what you have but don't be contented of what you are.

9. Manage your time wisely. Remember time is gold.

10. Take good care of your health. Good health is your only capital and investment to reach your dreams and goals in life.

11. Be careful, watchful and vigilant! Don't ever forget to nurture your character, for your character will cover and protect your reputation from the trap and honey words of wicked individuals.

12. Be an open-minded person. Remember there is more hope to the fool than to a close minded individual.

13. Have self-respect. Remember none but one can harm you. None but yourself is your greatest foe. He that respects himself is safe from others. He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.

14. Be interested in people. Remember no man is an island.

15. Value your family and friends. Remember there is always a need of the family and good friends.

16. Don't worry, be happy. If you are worried about something, tell God. If you cannot remember something, ask God. Try to get in the habit of taking everything to God first and your plan will succeed!

Good Luck!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About The Author

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Article Source:

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Dare Mighty Things

Life is good. But it depends upon on the individual on how to use and make his life meaningful and productive. The Word of God clearly emphasize this in the book of Jeremiah 29 11-12 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you” (NIV).

Did you use your life that our loving and merciful God gave to you for productive and meaningful living? Did you exert all your effort and strength to attain your desired goal? Or sometimes you become discourage because of the severe criticism you heard from the evilspeaking tongues of your friends, relatives, and neighbors? Or sometimes you doubt about your ability and capacity to succeed to your adhering in life?

If your answer is yes to all of the above questions, I encouraged you my dear readers, to read the following stories of great people on how they used their life, to worked and strive hard for excellence despite of the severe criticisms and insults they received from those negative and toxic people they encountered.

Napoleon Hill, a poor boy and have a deficient education had the ambition to be a writer but his good friends assured him his ambition was impossible. But because he believes in the beauty of his dreams finally he became a great writer and author of the very famous inspirational classical book “Think and Grow Rich” that until now, is one of the best seller in the Philippines.

Chester Carlson his ideas in the 1940’s were turned down by 20 companies including some of the biggest in the country. After 7 long years, in 1947, his idea was accepted. The idea was the XEROX MACHINE.

Marilyn Monroe in 1944 was criticized by Emmeline Snively, the director of the Blue Book Modeling, telling her “You’d better learn secretarial work or else get married” but later on she became one of the famous international celebrity artist.

The Beatles in 1962, criticized by the Decca Recording Company, Telling them “We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out” but gradually because of their persistence and determination to achieve their dreams, they became a great international band. And now they are known in their song “Yesterday” “Michelle” “Mr. Postman” etc.

Me too, during my student life, I experienced a severe criticism from a short-sighted individuals. Though, young as I am, as a young historian and school guidance counselor, I am always thirsty, hunger for knowledge and wisdom! Through reading the profiles as well as the writings of the great people in the world, I discovered, came up, and finally concluded that a statue has never, never, and never been erected in honor for a critic!

Dear readers if you have similar experienced like the writer and others, please do not take heed to that group of toxic, negative people but focus on your main goal to win!

Teddy Roosevelt, an American great president once says, “In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.

The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

Anthony Robbins adds “There are no real successes without rejection. The more rejection you get, the better you are, the more you’ve learned, the closer you are to your outcome.”

Dear readers, if you have tried and met with failure; if you have planned and watched your plans as they were crushed before your eyes; just remember that the greatest men in all history were the products of courage, and courage, you know, is born in the cradle of adversity.

George Bernard Shaw exclaims, “When I was a young man, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. I didn’t want to be a failure so I did ten times more work.”

My dear readers, here is the best secret formula on how to beat the odds in your life. Read and think of this carefully:

“Know what you are going to do and then do it and don’t backslide. If you make a mistake, make a glorious one. It’s like the man who comes to the tree at the fork in the road and says, ‘which way shall I go, this way or that?’ Go! Take one way and go. There is always the element of timing. Everything has a time and place” (Gurn Rutt).

My dear readers, I firmly remind you that…

If you have a dreams

Hold on to your dreams

If your dreams die

You’re like a wounded bird without a wing!

Once again, I firmly convince you! Focus in your goals to win! Once again, read and think of these carefully;

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.

Life’s battles don’t always to the stronger or faster man,

But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

Calvin Coolidge argued, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talents will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Educations will not, the world is full of education derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

Dear readers, I’ve found out that before any great accomplishment is achieved in reality, it’s believed within your heart. If you need to hear the applause of the crowd, you have to begin your attack in the face of criticism, believing that the applause will come later.

That is why I would like to remind you…do your best and God will do the rest!

Remember the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams! So hold on…hold on…hold on to your dreams, dare mighty things, and never, never, never, and never give up!!

You can if you think you can!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About the Author

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.

Mr. Reconalla has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

All rights reserved Worldwide. . Copyright 2006-2007 by Moises P. Reconalla

You can send your comments about this article through his email

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. "Dare Mighty Things." EzineArticles 01 October 2006. 16 August 2007 <>.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's Up To You

Our Loving and Merciful God is truly wise and great!

He gave us the mind to think, to create, to innovate, to decide, and to choose for our life but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the eyes to see and appreciate the beauty of our world, our self and our fellow human being but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the ear to hear the music, the sounds of nature and the voice of our love ones, friends, neighbors, and co-workers but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the nose to smell the fragrance of the flowers, the aroma of foods from the kitchen and odorless smell of air but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the mouth to speak of encouragement, praises and support but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the heart to freely express our love, our emotions and our concerns to others but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the hands to use in writing down all our plans for the future to work for a living but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the feet to move forward to plant the seeds of our uniqueness and productivity in this world to stand firm for our self but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the power to sing praises, to brighten up our soul and make the world a little better place of gladness, joyfulness, happiness, and peacefulness but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the power to smile, to laugh, to make the world a little better place to live but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us knowledge and wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong but it’s up to you if you use it for good and bad!

He gave us equal time to do our activity under the sun but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the family, our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, sweetheart, friends, neighbors, and co-workers but it’s up to you if you use them for good or bad!

He gave us the natural resources to supply all our needs but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us the Book, the Bible to strengthen up our faith and guidance in the way we should go but it’s up to you if you use it for good or bad!

He gave us free hotline to communicate with Him but it’s up to you if you will take time and use it for good or bad!

Wish Many Blessings To Come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About the Author:

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

You can send your comments about this Poem through his email

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this Poem on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the Poem is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. "It's Up To You." EzineArticles 31 March 2007. 14 August 2007 <>.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Beginning Today, Promise These to Yourself

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will only socialize to the group of good and wise people, for they were a good influence of good character, knowledge as well as wisdom. By associating and socializing with them, eventually you will be also influenced to have a good character, knowledgeable as well as to become a wise person!

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will avoid the negative, toxic people who are only fun of talking, back-fighting, criticizing as well as mocking the mistakes and faults of other people, for their virus and venom are severe that even the medical surgeon cannot help them heal with their disease and also experiencing a difficulty in curing the poisons and scars of those victims.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will begin to establish your goal in life. Make your goal achievable, concise and specific so you can have a sense of direction in your life as well as a sense of purpose and have a meaningful and a productive living.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will nurture your character, for your character will be your only and best weapon to close the mouth against the evil-tongues of your enemies. For your character will cover and protect your reputation.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will do your work as perfect as possible. Make it a life – rule to give your best to whatever passes through your hands. Stamp it with your manhood. Let superiority be your trademark; let it characterize everything you touch. This is what every employer is looking for; it indicates the best kind of brain; it is as the best substitute for genius. It is better capital than cash; it is a better promoter than friends, or pulls with the influential.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself, never to allow any dishonest gain or faults in your work that will come in your hands. For every fault you allow to become a habit, to get control over you, helps to make you a second-class and puts you at a disadvantage in the race of honor, position, wealth, as well as happiness.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself, never to criticize people. Criticizing only marks, shows as well as acknowledges that you are an inferior person. Always bear in mind that a wound from a tongue is worst than a wound from the swords. For latter affects only the body; the former affects the spirit. Always remember to be patient in dealing with people for you are not dealing with a people of logic but you are dealing with a people of emotions too.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will practice encouragement instead of discouragement. Remember your life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears! Therefore, any good that you can do or any kindness you can show to any human being let you do it now. Let you not defer it or neglect it; for you shall not pass this way again.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will make your life not just for a living, for thousands of men breath, move and live pass off the stage of life and are heard no more. Why? They did not give a particle of good in the world. None were blest by them. None could point to them as the instrument of their redemption. Their light went out in darkness and they were not remembered more than insects of yesterday. Will you live and die? Live for something!

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will make God be as your partner in every adhering in life. By making and putting God the center as well as partner of your life, everything will come together. Always bear in mind this, with men everything is impossible but with God all things are possible!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About the Author:

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

You can send your comments about this Poem through his email or visit his blog at http: // and read his poems and articles that can motivate your intellect to think and grow rich!

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2006-2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this Poem on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the Poem is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Poem Source;
Reconalla, Moises. "Beginning Today, Promise These to Yourself." EzineArticles 15 December 2006. 13 August 2007 <,-Promise-These-to-Yourself&id=388035>.