Life is so short, so I don't want to miss a day without saying thanks and wishes to all the people who read my articles and most especially to those individuals who gave great contribution in molding me to become a better and productive individual.
Here is the list of people whom I would like to give thanks and give wishes:
The ezinearticles.com, articlesbase.com, articlesalley.com, positivearticles.com,and 1888articles.com management staff, thank you for the opportunity you have given to me that I was able to share my thoughts and insights to other people through publishing my articles in your website.
Virgie Amar Reconalla, thank you for being sweet, understanding, and supportive in all of my plans and dreams.
Dr. Dave and Yvonne Higgins, thank you for being a good model and source of inspiration to me. Thank you also for always there in time of sunny and rainy season for words is not enough to express my gratitude!
Dr. Maria Tumangday, thank you for being true, honest, sincere and continuous support, help and guidance in order for me to finish my bachelor's degree. Thank you for a motherly love you always extended to me. Always accept my boundless thanks to you!
Ate Jean Libalib, Naicy Guardias and Kuya Dong Tuapin. Thank you for being there as a true friend and a true Christian model to me. You really can not be forgotten!
Dr. Eric and Puriza Nasution, thank you for being there and extended your helping hands during the sours of my life.
Dr. James and Diana Park, thank you for being sweet, true, and kind. Thank you also for the help you extended to me during a need.
Ninang Elizabeth Siapco. Thank you for your understanding, help, and emotional support during the great tests of my life.
Untie Leling, Kuya Lito and Ate Michelle, thank you for extending your kind hands during the hardship hours of my life.
Ninong Philipp Maypa, thank you for making your time available during the special events of my life and also for the wise counsel and challenges you gave to me.
Ninang Mila Sales, Thank you for being there and showing your emotional support during the great dark hours and trials of my life.
Dr. Marissa and Professor Erwin Pajares, thank you for extending you’re helped to finish my bachelor’s degree.
Dr. Ceazar Idaosos, thank you for your inspiring story. Because of your story, you lifted up and awaken my spirit to conquer the impossible.
Professors Samuel Berto, Rex Diamante, Edmond Aqiuoben, Jessie Songcayawon, Joseph Ledesma, and Atty. Domingo Sanquaquin, thank you for the knowledge and wisdom you've imparted to me.
Professor Sherwin Fiedacan, thank you for your unique and inspiring methods of teaching. You gave me the idea to create my own strategy in molding the minds of my students.
Dr. Jesusa Trinidad and Professor Lourdes Pelarion, my beloved graduate professors in Guidance and Counseling. Thank you for the tips and strategies and also for the inspiring advice. You awaken me and molded my mind to work -out for the innovation of my guidance and counseling skills and strategies.
Dr. John Maxwell, thank you for the inspiring thoughts you shared from your books. Because of your writings…you gave me a chance to stretched-out my God-given talents and helped me to move on to shoot for the stars of my dreams.
Dr. Napoleon Hill, Thank you for your motivational book “Think and Grow Rich.” You awaken and refreshed my subconscious to think and grow rich!
Og Mandino, Thank you for the good and wise counsel from your books. You awaken and motivated my broken soul to heal, to think positively, and live as an excellent and productive individual.
Dr. Vincent Peale, Thanks for your book “The Power of Positive Thinking.” You gave me the chance and the idea on how to encourage, inspire, and motivate people.
My Alma matter, The Adventist University of the Philippines, for giving me a chance to be refine, develop, and improved my God-given talents and skills.
To all the people who always discouraging me and underestimated my abilities and skills, thank you for what you have done. You encouraged and given me only the ideas and chances to prove to the world, that I am a man, created by His Loving, Merciful Creator, to have a purpose and a special mission to fulfill and to plant the seeds of my uniqueness and productivity in this world!
To all my loyal true friends, my cats and dogs.
This is my wishes to all of you…
Comfort on difficult days,
Smiles when sadness intrudes,
Rainbows to follow the clouds,
Laughter to kiss your lips,
Sunsets to warm your heart,
Gentle hugs when spirits sag,
Friendships to brighten your being,
Beauty for your eyes to see,
Confidence for when you doubt,
Faith so that you can believe,
Courage to know yourself,
Patience to accept the truth,
And love to complete your life.
God Bless you all!
Moises P. Reconalla
About The Author
Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.
Mr. Reconalla has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.
You can send your comments about this articles through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com
All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2006-2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla
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