Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rise Above the Ashes!

If you are now living in the lowest status of life and a life that have always a storm, great disappointment and failures, don't be discourage and worry my friend, I tell you, you can rise! Rise Above the Ashes!

Yes, you can rise above the ashes! For you are destined to be a conqueror of this world. The Loving God gave you the power of choice to choose and to live an ideal life that you want to be. Therefore, stop wasting your time living in a mediocre life. Learn to stand once again and prove to the world that you are a dare to fail individual. That cannot be easily sway and cannot be easily discourage by the challenges of life.

Beginning today, tag yourself with a higher price. Dream a big dream. Think a big plan for your life and make a firm resolution to dare mighty things to make your plan into reality.

To achieve your dreams, always work hard with definite purpose and don't ever think of backsliding because the world cannot be won with a doubtful spirit.

So, move on and don't ever give up! Always motivate your mind to have faith and believe in yourself. Remember, the larger your faith, the smaller your fears. The great your trust, the lesser your doubts. The stronger your beliefs, the weaker your worries. Therefore, keep your faith and believe in yourself for it will guide, help and bring you to the door of success!

If the time comes spark to tempt you to give up and back to the life of mediocrity, remind yourself with these words... My Loving God balances my life by giving me enough blessings to keep me happy. Enough failures, to keep me humble. Enough trials, to keep me strong in the challenges of life. Therefore, I will face these tests of life with an open-mind, enthusiasm, persistence, and determination that once again, I can rise! Rise Above the Ashes!

Finally, remember my friend, that the Loving God helps those who help themselves!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About the Author:

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

You can send your comments about this article through his email

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, November 13). Rise Above the Ashes!. EzineArticles. Retrieved November 29, 2007, from!&id=828121

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Dream To Become A Great Man

I was born as a poor boy and grew up in the street without the care, guidance and supervision of my beloved parent. I have been experienced an empty stomach, Almost naked, without permanent shelter and without proper education.

As a young man with deprived and sad experiences of life, I started to think of innovation and dream for my future. I dream to become a famous, I dream to become a great man!

Yes, I to dream to become a great man. A great man with power and authority. A great man like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Dave Higgins, Hernando Zamora, John Maxwell, Manuel Quezon, Og Mandino, Ralp Wardo Emerson, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.

Yes, I dream to become a great man. ‘Coz I want to have a change and improvement. A change and improvement to my beloved country, A change and improvement to the lives of the needy.

‘Coz I thought to become a great man is to have power and authority. Power and authority over the lives of the people. Power and authority to become their lord and master.

But now, I realized that to become a great man It is not to become the lord of their lives, instead the lord of good example. But now, I also realized that to become a great man it is not to become the master of their lives, instead a master of change in helping to improve their way of living.

Now with this precious thoughts that still fresh in my mind, I am thankful to my beloved Creator for helping me this to realize. Another thing is that, to become a great man is to change and improve first myself. Not be a self-centered, lord and master to others, instead a lord and master of my own self.

I realized that, for changing my own self, I can gradually change my own destiny. I realized that, for changing my own self, I can gradually brighten up my future.

Lo! Today I will live as if it is my last. I will improve myself, my character, my skills, and my talents. I will serve and help others with love and care, And I will become great!

Yes, I will become a great man if I will think the good of others before myself. For only in serving, helping, loving, and sharing the blessings from Above, I can finally win the hearts, favors and support from my beloved human being. And my name will be hailed forever in the pyramid and pages of history!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, June 10). I Dream To Become A Great Man. EzineArticles. Retrieved October 21, 2007, from

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Dear God,

I give you this morning.
Please take away
My despair of yesterday.
Help me to forgive the things
That caused me pain
And would keep me bound.
Help me to begin again.
Please bless my path
And illumine my mind.
I surrender to You
The day ahead.
Please bless every person
And situation
I will encounter.
Make me who You would have me be,
That I might do as You would have me do.
Please enter my heart
And remove all anger,
Fear and pain.
Renew my soul
And free my spirit.
Thank you, God,
For this day.

What Does It Mean to Love God Above All?

What does it mean to love God above all? This is the question that once asked by my beloved professor in graduate school, that eagerly trigger my subconscious mind to think for how many days and eventually motivated me to answer the query.

In my point of view, to love God above all, it means that we should make Him be the center of our life. Being a Christian, it is one of our duties to stay focus on the light, the source of knowledge, guidance and strength. Without God, we are nothing. We are vanities in all vanities under heaven!

To love God above all, it means that we should encourage, motivate ourselves to know Him more intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. In doing that way, we can easily feel and understand, that we need to do our part to worship and glorify Him with all our hearts and minds without the dictates of others. Above all, apply what we have learned from His teachings to our lives, enable for us to grow and become a mature productive Christian.

The Apostle Paul once says, “Faith without works is dead.” So for me, words without action are useless.

There some groups of Christians who are proclaiming that they really love God and obey His Words but when you ask them who is He? They cannot easily give an answer. That’s why for me, I firmly believe, to love God above all, we must teach and encourage ourselves first to know Him well, so we can avoid creating confusion to the other Christian believers. Now, I will give an answer to the question “Who is God?”

He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!
He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the Architect of the universe and The Manager of all times.
He always was, He always is,
and He always will be... Unmoved,
Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!
He was bruised and brought healing!
He was pierced and eased pain!
He was persecuted and brought freedom!
He was dead and brought life!
He is risen and brings power!
He reigns and brings Peace!
The world can't understand Him,
The armies can't defeat Him,
The schools can't explain Him,
and The leaders can't ignore Him.
Herod couldn't kill Him,
The Pharisees couldn't confuse Him,
and The people couldn't hold Him!
Nero couldn't crush Him,
Hitler couldn't silence Him,
The New Age can't replace Him,
He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.
He is goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God.
He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.
His ways are right, His word is eternal,
His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me.
He is my Redeemer, He is my Savior,
He is my guide, and He is my peace! He is my Joy,
He is my comfort, He is my Lord, and He rules my life!
I serve Him because His bond is love,
His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life.
I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,
The power of the powerful,
The ancient of days,
the ruler of rulers,
The leader of leaders,
the overseer of the over comers,
and The sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come.
And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.
His goal is a relationship with ME!
He will never leave me,
Never forsake me, Never mislead me,
Never forget me,
Never overlook me,
and Ever cancel my appointment in His appointment book!
When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak,
He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!
He is everything for everybody, everywhere, Every time, and every way.
He is God, He is faithful.
I am His, and He is mine!
My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this...
He said it and that settles it.
God is in control,
I am on His side,
and That means all is well with my soul.
Everyday is a blessing for GOD Is!
I love the Lord and thank Him for all that He does in my life,
He is my source of existence and my Savior.
He keeps me functioning each and everyday.
Without Him, I am nothing.
But with Him I can do all things. - Philippians 4:13

Dear readers, always bear these in your mind: with men everything is impossible but with God all impossible things will become possible!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, February 16). What Does It Mean to Love God Above All?. EzineArticles. Retrieved October 09, 2007, from

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Get Rid of Timidity

Life is a series of trials and errors. Trials and errors make you to become strong or to become weak. The matter of choice it’s depend upon you, if you will accept the challenge of life or to give up!

Timidity is considered by the writer as a great crime. For the reason that it can diminish the reasoning power and poise of its bearer that sometimes destroy the bearer’s precious name and pride.

A person with a timid spirit cannot trust on his intuition. He kept on wandering and blaming the circumstances as well as people around him due to the lack of success. A timid individual suffer without acknowledging his own defects in the matter of insight. He tortures himself by building judgments upon feelings and not upon evidence. If he will not learn to get rid of it, he is the most less fortunate human being ever existed in this land!

To enable to get rid of timidity, an individual should encourage himself to apply the following precepts.

1. Think positively. Exercise your will-power to dwell in the positive aspects of your personality. Never mind what people think of you. Do what you think is right!

2. Love and learn to appreciate your being. Never hate and blame yourself for the lack of success in life. If you experience hardships and setbacks today, remind yourself that this too, shall pass! Comfort yourself with this word: Learn, Laugh at your mistakes and makes a glorious one!

3. Learn to discipline yourself. Remember no one can help you, only yourself! If you really want to conquer the impossible and to shoot the star of your dream, then, learn to discipline yourself and everything you do will run smoothly as what you have plan.

4. Learn to focus your attention in one object at a time until you’ll be able to finish it. This is one of the secret formulas applied by the great men of the ages that makes them attained great success and famed in life.

5. Be an optimist in all times. Don’t wait for love instead feel, apply and share it. Don’t wait for opportunity instead find and create it. Don’t go for less instead gets the best. Don’t compare yourself to others instead be true and unique. Don’t avoid failures instead face and accept it as a challenge. Don’t dwell on errors instead learn from them and makes a glorious one. Don’t ever give up instead move forward and believe that you can if you think you can. Don’t close your eyes instead open your mind and think. Don’t run from life instead play your role and enjoy it!

6. Don’t be shy and afraid to speak out of your emotions and feelings. Share your knowledge and ideas. Prove to them that there is an iron and gold in your mind!

Starting today, make this as resolution as well as motto in life: I am the master of myself, I am the master of my destiny, I am the master of my fate, and I can excel in this land!

Remember, there is no impossible to a person who thinks he can!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, September 21). Get Rid of Timidity. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 27, 2007, from

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Secret Power of Kindness

Be Kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s hath forgiven you (Eph. 4:32 KJV).

In this short article, I would like to share with you a short story of a certain great, good man who wrote a beautiful essay “The Kingliness of Kindness.”

This great, good man tells of his experience stranded in a strange city late at night and in need of transportation between railroad stations. When he called the telephone operator for information, she provided it in rude and discourteous language. Later he called her back to thank her for the help. Apparently, it was something she rarely had happened to her and the change in her voice and her whole telephone personality indicated that the expression of his appreciation had uplifted her spirit. How simple it is to say thank you. Yet how much it means when spoken in sincerity!

The above story reminds us that a kind word is better than a big pie!

The word of God clearly explained “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1 NKJV).

Dear readers, when you are engaging in the conversation, always encourage yourself to say something good to somebody. Always bear in mind, to be patient and tactful in dealing with people. For you are not dealing with a people of logic but you are dealing with a people of emotions too!

If you don’t have a kind words to say, it is better to shut up your mouth than be an instrument of making other lives to become ruin because of your idle tongue. James, the disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ reminds you that “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless” (James 1:26 NIV).

Our Lord Jesus Christ warned “… if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck” (Mark 9:42 NKJV).

Dear readers always motivate your mind and mouth to practice giving honey instead of giving stings.

Remember your life is so short! Your life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears! Therefore, any good that you can do or any kindness you can show to any human being let you do it now. Let you not defer it or neglect it; for you shall not pass this way again.

For thousands of men breathe, move, and live pass off the stage of life and are heard no more. Why? They did not give a particle of good in the world. None were blessed by them. None could point to them as the instrument of their redemption. Their light went out in darkness and they were not remembered more than insects of yesterday. Will you live and die? Live for something!

Instead of giving stings to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and strangers, why not encourage yourself to give them a honey! Why not encourage yourself to say these words when you are alone:

Dear Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; Where there is hatred, let me show love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy; Where there is an idle tongue, help me to keep away from them.

Before I conclude, don’t and don’t ever forget that the hardest thing to give is kindness; it’s always come back to the giver!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

You can send your comments about this article through his email

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, March 06). The Secret Power of Kindness. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 20, 2007, from

Never, Never Give Up

Our world is full of educated and talented individuals. But why are some of them unable to reach the heights of their potentials and success? What are the other reasons, why these groups of individuals will not successfully conquer the impossible despite having the ability and capacity to excel? These are the questions that I would like to seek and find an answer for.

I'll still remember the great man named Dr. Napoleon Hill, a man that I greatly admired most. During the 1930's, he started conducting a study on the lives of some certain successful great men of America. He investigated why these groups of individuals were so successful in their life struggles and reaches the top of the ladders. Through personal interviewed with them, he found out that their main secrets why they gradually win to beat the odds and got the crown of life are because of their being positive thinkers, positive attitudes, self-determination to win and the philosophy of NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP!

People, when you experience a great trials and challenges in life, you should encourage yourself to "Never give up or the burden may sink you; Providence kindly has mingled the cup and in all trials and troubles, that challenges you. The watchword of life must be, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP! DARE MIGHTY THINGS! HOLD ON TO YOUR DREAMS! YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN!

Billi Lim exclaims, "Do not measure a person by how many times he falls, measure him by how many times he climbs up again. A person who can climb up again after he falls will never be drawned." He added and commented, "But it is sad to note that many people are just like those who, after a temporary defeat, prefer to stay there and finally die a real failure, fallen and never to rise again."

What really is the quality of an individual that would help him to rise once again after he falls? A great president of America, President Calvin Coolidge gave a very enthusiastic and very inspiring answer in this query.

President Coolidge answered, "Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence, Talent will not; nothing is more common than successful men with talent. Geniuses will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts, persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."

I am certainly agreed with that great maxim of the late great President Calvin Coolidge. I'll prove it already to myself. I’ll still remember when I was a young boy. I have a lot of great dreams for my future. But how could it be? It’s the same questioned that always lingering in my mind. I’m a product of a broken home family, grew up in the street, and stayed with different and even with the cruel person in this world! It’s good that was over! The bitter memory of my childhood!

I have learned through my life experiences and studies from the profiles and writings of the great wise men that the only way to beat the odds in life is to face and to take it as a challenge and continue on remaking ourselves into a better person! Also by making God as a partner in every aspiration in life because in Him everything is possible!

Because of the positive attitude that I had and by encouraging myself to believe in the beauty of my dreams, I gradually finished my Bachelor’s degree in History and Minor in Political Science with my own self-determination, passed the Philippine Teachers Board Exam and now I am working as School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor, and Working Students Supervisor.

To you my dear readers, I would like you to think and ponder this:

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you've like to win but you think you can't, it's certainly you won't.
Life battles are not always go to the stronger or the faster man.
But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!

Here is the last and the best final keys to make you become a winner and succeed in every struggle in life. Encourage yourself to make God be as your partner and everything will come together (Romans 8:28).

People, if your feeling defeated and hopeless think of this: If you have tried and met with failure; if you have planned and watched your plans as they were crushed before your eyes; just remember that the greatest men in all history were the products of courage. And courage, you know, is born in the cradle of adversity.

Dear readers remember this, when you are at your weakest, God is in His greatest! So don't worry, be happy! What shall you need to do is call Him and God promised, "Call me and I will answer you, and show you the great and mighty things which you do not know" (Jeremiah 33:3).


Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

You can send your comments about this Article through his email

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2006-2007 by Moises P. Reconalla

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2006, October 19). Never, Never Give Up. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 20, 2007, from,-Never-Give-Up&id=333279

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Look At Yourself Before Looking To Others

Look at yourself before looking to others. For this is your secret power to determine and discover who you are. Gift you can use to decipher the hidden talents, skills and abilities of your being. Never and never waste it for idleness and laziness.

The world has no place for the people, who cannot help themselves. The world belongs only to those individuals, who are keeping on watching and keeping on improving their being.

There are no enough places to the person who are timid and afraid to take a risk. So beginning today, look at yourself before looking to others. For that is your special gift given by thy Loving Creator. Try now to think the innovation of your being, while still you have time to think of yourself.

Never and never attempt to compare yourself unto others. Compare only yourself to your past self. So you can be able to appreciate the uniqueness of your being, that can lead you to become a mature and productive individual.

As you travel in the game of life, always expect that there are obstacles and trials that awaiting for you. Never be discourage nor be afraid and dismay. For thy Loving God will be your guide, your strength, your light, your comforter, and shelter in time of storm.

Never be afraid of failures and mistakes. For the diamond cannot be polish without friction, nor man be perfected without trials. Henceforth, welcome the failures and mistakes whole heartedly with an open-mind. For it can refine and teach you to become a man of excellence and valor.

Motivate your mind always in the importance of knowledge and wisdom. Never and never allow time to pass by without reading good books. As much as possible use your time in reading. For time come, the knowledge you absorbed will be your only shelter in time of famine.

Therefore, look at yourself before looking to others. Never ever forget to appreciate yourself and give thanks to thy Creator. Like you, He needs to be appreciated, too! Make a thankful heart and prayer as your habits. Always look at yourself before looking to others!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, April 07). Look At Yourself Before Looking To Others. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 18, 2007, from

Always Be True To Yourself

Always be true to yourself!
Never attempt to delete those words in your heart and mind.
For that is a valuable treasure,
That can aid and lead to understand who you are.

Always be true to yourself!
Never be afraid to accept who you are.
Think positively and believe in yourself.
So you can be able to accept and appreciate who you are.

Always bear in mind you are a unique individual
Created by the loving hands of the Almighty God.
He created you with special purpose,
To plant and spread seeds of your uniqueness, and productivity in this land.

Always be true to yourself!
Never be discourage nor be afraid by negative comments or feedback.
Welcome it with an open-mind,
For these can also help and guide you to become a well-grown individual.

If you have an enemy, remember never to hate him.
When you hate him, you give him power over you.
Power over your thinking, your sleep, your health and happiness.
Your hatred is not hurting him at all; it only turns your days and nights into a hellish turmoil.

Always be true to yourself!
Remember that the best strategy to deal an enemy –
Pray, love, forgiveness, humility, open-mindedness, reconciliation, smile, tactfulness, and service. Start now to apply those precepts in yourself,
So you can be able to win favor from God and live at peace with your enemy.

As you travel in the games of life,
Always remember to think innovation of your being.
For that’s the one and only keys to excel in this land.
Remember that a gifted man will stand before kings,
A simple man will serve the skilled and kings!

Therefore, always be true to yourself!
Remember God love you so much!
He cares and believes in you!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, April 21). Always Be True To Yourself. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 18, 2007, from

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Don't Worry - Be Happy

Worry…worry! Why are you worrying? Are you worrying of your sweetheart if he/she is still love you and honest with you? Or you are worrying of your face on how you can make it more attractive and beautiful? Or you are worrying of your debts on how you can pay it? Or you are worrying of yourself and asking why until now you are still in unfortunate life?

Encarta Encyclopedia defines worry as “keep thinking about something: to think about a problem repeatedly in an effort to find a solution.”

Why are you worrying for something that in reality does not yet happen to you? Why not give yourself some space to relax and enjoy for a while and think for a solution? Remember you are the architect of your destiny and the author of your future! If you would continue worrying, it can only lead your life into destruction. Remember our life is short. Our life is like vapors that appears for a moment and then disappear. So therefore, do not let your life die like an insect without doing something good to yourself and to your fellowmen.

If you are feeling fake, lonely, and feeling defeated, why not encourage yourself to kneel down for a while and voice-out your errs and concerns to our Loving God? Our Merciful God said in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call me and I will answer you and show you the great and mighty things which you do not know” (NKJV). This verse emphasize that our Loving God is ready to answer you my dear readers, what shall you need to do is just go with Him, Call Him and He will give the desire of your heart! Because with God everything is possible!

Paramahan Yogananda reminds you “…not take life’s experiences too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you for in reality they nothing worthy but dream experiences.”

She adds, “If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them part of you. Play your part in life, but never forget that it is only a role!”

Edmund Burke added, “The battle of life in most cases is fought uphill, and to win it without a struggle is almost like winning without honor. Difficulties may intimidate the weak, but the act only as wholesome stimulus to men of resolution and valor. All experiences of life, indeed serves to prove that the impediments thrown in the way of human advancement way, for the most part, be overcome by steady good conduct, honest zeal, activity, perseverance, and by a determination to overcome difficulties.”

Billi Lim asserted that, “Most people think that taking the easy way out or having an easy life without difficulties or problems is good. It is a very serious misconception. Who wants a tough, hard life? I for one would not like it. But what I am putting forward here is that struggle, be it physical or mental, is necessary to make us grow stronger in body and mind.”

Dr. Vincent Peale argued, “Mental control is the secret of mature and creative judgment. Your mind is an instrument designed to serve you not, not to destroy you.” Dr. Peale further argued, “When uncontrolled, your mind can be very damaging to you, but when controlled it can develop unlimited power.”

Dr. Peale pointed out why “Everywhere men and women are failing simply because they have not mastered their minds. At the same time others do amazing things through the exercise of mental control.”

Talking of mental control, I recall Dr. Napoleon Hill, my most admired author in self-improvement. Dr. Hill encourages you if you really not want to be defeated in all your life you should learn to “take charge of your thoughts, so that you can do what you want with them.”

Dr. Peale elaborates and convinced you readers, to “Know yourself. Control your mind. Think. Make right decisions. Never accept defeat. Believe in yourself. Mentally accept your great future. Never think of failing. Believe that you can if you think you can!”

My dear readers, I encouraged you, do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember, a kite rises against the winds rather than go with it!

Before I conclude, I would like you to recall this, when you are at your weakest, God is in His greatest!


Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2006-2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2006, October 05). Don't Worry - Be Happy. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from

If You Are Wise!

If you are wise, you should have to take time to think before you react.

If you are wise, you should have take time to listen before you criticize.

If you are wise, you should have to take time to analyze before you emphasize.

If you are wise, you should have to take to time to lend your ears before you argue.

If you are wise, you should give enough time others to speak before you clarify.

If you are wise, you should give enough time others to clarify before you justify.

If you are wise, you should learn to cultivate yourself as well as practice encouragement instead of discouragement.

If you are wise, you should learn as well as teach yourself to be patient in dealing with people. Remember, you are not dealing with a people of logic but you are dealing with a people of emotions too!

If you are wise, you should learn and teach yourself to manage as well as control your temper.

If you are wise, you should learn to hold as well as manage your tongue not to back fight, criticize, gossip, condemn and insult other people.

Remember criticizing that is a mark of an inferior person. A real wise person has no time in back fighting, criticizing, condemning, gossiping and insulting other people. They are busy in cultivating and improving themselves and helping the lowly ones.

If you are wise, do not snub people. A real wise person did not snub but greet people with a sweet smile.

If you are wise, be honest in giving praises. Do not give a flattering answer or else people will hate and mock at you!

If you are wise, remain humble instead of being proud. Remember, God mocked the proud but He lifted up the humble.

If you are wise, do not praise yourself in front of the people. Let people praise you, not yourself!

If you are wise, you should be careful as well as watchful in your character. For your character will be your only weapon against the bad tongues of negative, toxic people.

If you are wise, be an open-minded person. Remember, there is more hope to the fools than to the close-minded individuals!

If you are wise, you should continue feeding your mind with fresh knowledge and wisdom. Remember knowledge is power. No knowledge, no power!

If you are wise, you should encourage as well as teach yourself to value other people. Remember no man is an Island!

If you are wise, cultivate yourself to have your own originality. I’ve learned and discovered that one of the greatest mistakes of the young people nowadays is a lack of originality!

If you are wise, you should practice being kind to yourself as well as to other people. Always bear in mind that the hardest things to give is kindness, it’s always comes back to the giver!

Finally, if you are wise, cultivate as well as teach yourself to put God in the center and everything will come together.

That’s it!

If You Are Wise!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved World wide. Copyright 2006 - 2007 by Moises P. Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2006, December 07). If You Are Wise!. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from!&id=379912

Oh, What A Wonderful World

Oh, What a wonderful world...

If there is only a love, there is no time for hatred.

If there is no time for hatred, there is no violence.

If there is no violence, there is no crime.

If there is no crime, there is peace.

If there is peace, there is a harmony.

If there is harmony, there is a friendship.

If there is a friendship, there is a friend.

If there is a friend, there is a relationship.

If there is a relationship, there is closeness.

If there is closeness, there is a loyalty.

If there is loyalty, there is honesty.

If there is honesty, there is integrity.

If there is integrity, there is respect.

If there is respect, there is understanding.

If there is understanding, there is kindness.

If there is kindness, there is tender-care.

If there is tender-care, there is longsuffering.

If there is longsuffering, there is joyfulness.

If there is joyfulness, there is happiness.

If there is happiness, there is contentment.

If there is contentment, there is frugality.

If there is frugality, there is abundant living.

If there is abundant living, there is prosperity.

If there is prosperity, there is hard-work.

If there is hard-work, there is originality.

If there is originality, people will mind their own business.

If people will mind their own business, there is no idle mouth.

If there is no idle mouth, there is no idle tongue.

If there is no idle tongue, there is no back-fighter, gossiper and mocker.

If there is no back-fighter, gossiper and mocker, there are no enemies.

If there are no enemies, there is no headache.

If there is no headache, there is no loneliness.

If there is no loneliness, there is no need to worry.

If there is no need to worry, there are no wrinkles.

If there are no wrinkles, there is a peace of mind.

If there is a peace of mind, there is no insecurity.

If there is no insecurity, there is self-confidence.

If there is self-confidence, there is no need to be afraid.

There is no need to be afraid because there is a loving and merciful God.

If there is a loving and merciful God, all impossible things will turn into possible.

If all impossible things will turn into possible, there is no need to doubt.

If there is no need to doubt, you can begin right now to dare mighty things to shoot for the stars of your dreams!

Oh, what a wonderful world if people around the globe will only imitate, exercise, ponder, possess, and apply the precepts above. Our world will be become a better, safer, and peaceful place to live!

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, January 01). Oh, What A Wonderful World. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from,-What-A-Wonderful-World&id=401193

I Am Glad

I am glad to learn
In order that I may educate properly.

I am glad to search knowledge
In order that I may discover wisdom.

I am glad to laugh
In order that I may brighten up my soul.

I am glad to cry
In order that I may ease the heartache and pain of life.

I am glad to welcome error
In order that I may learn and improve more.

I am glad to compare myself to the past self
In order that I may learn to love and appreciate my being.

I am glad to be an open-minded
In order that I may become more understanding.

I am glad to cooperate
In order that I may uphold unity.

I am glad to help
In order that I may share the blessings to the needy.

I am glad to love
In order that I may impart the greatest virtue of God.

I am glad to give an encouragement words
In order that I may lift up and comforted the broken-soul.

I am glad to sing
In order that I may sing praises to my beloved Creator.

I am glad to preach
In order that I may spread the light and good news to the world.

I am glad to read His book; the Bible
In order that I may guide and have an eternal life.

I am glad to pray daily
In order that I may have communication and close-relationship to Him.

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, April 29). I Am Glad. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from

It Hurts, It Hurts You Know!

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If people will tell that you have a bad breath.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If people will tell that your teeth is yellowish.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If people will tell that you have a bad smell.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If people will tell that you’re an idiot.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If someone you love, doesn’t love you.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If you’re close friend will betray you.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If your neighbors will back fight and mock at you.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If your boss will fire you without legal basis.

It hurts, it hurts you know!
If there’s no one else will trust you.

To stop repeating it hurts, it hurts you know!
Starting today, encourage yourself to have a new life,
Evaluate as well as examine your being,
So you can be able to decipher the real cause of always saying…It hurts, it hurts you know!

Listen now to the counsel of the wise
What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to others, forgive injuries.
Forgive thy enemy, be reconciled to him, give him assistance, and invoke God in his behalf. For
that is the secret to have a good and peaceful life.

Always remember, none but one can harm you
None but yourself, who are your greatest foe,
He that respects himself is safe from others,
He wears a coat of mail that none can pierce.

Always bear in mind, that the best investment you can give to yourself is you!
You can make a lot of money, by investing in you than any other investment,
Therefore, feed your mind always with knowledge and wisdom,
For that is your only treasure as well as your shields in times of famine.

Above all, don’t and don’t ever forget to nurture your character
For your character are your only tools and weapons,
To protect and cover your reputation,
Against the mighty foe, the trap, and the honey words of the evil men.

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About the Author

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.

Mr. Reconalla has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

All rights reserved Worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, January 29). It Hurts, It Hurts You Know!. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from,-It-Hurts-You-Know!&id=434859

Hey! Is That You?

Hey! Is that you?
Why are you crying?
Does people told you that you have a bad breath?
Never mind about it,
Just remind and promise yourself with these words: beginning today I will not neglect to brush my teeth everyday.

Hey! Is that you?
Why are you angry?
Does people told you that you have a bad smell?
Never mind about it,
Just remind and promise yourself with these words: beginning today, I will take a bath everyday!

Hey! Is that you?
Why are you sad?
Does people told you that you’re an idiot?
Never mind about it,
Just remind and promise yourself with these words: beginning today, I will read good books, so the
wisdom of the ages will be mine.

Hey! Is that you?
Why you are trying to tie your head at the Moringa Tree?
Does your sweetheart breaking and left you?
Take that rope out in your head,
Stand-up, don’t act like coward and never mind about it,
Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: Hurt and aching, breaking heart, this too shall pass!

Hey! Is that you?
Why are you shouting?
Does your neighbor gossiping and laughing at you?
Never mind about it,
Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: I will encourage myself to confront them. But I should be tactful in dealing with. For I know that I am not dealing with people of logic but dealing with people of emotions. But before doing it, I will remind myself with these words: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” For I know that a kind word is better than a big pie!

Hey! Is that you?
Why are you worrying?
Does people told that your dreams are impossible?
Never mind about it,
Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: if you think you are beaten, you are! If you think you dare not, you don’t! If you’d like to win but you think you can’t, it’s certainly you won’t. Life battles are not always go to stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can! Therefore, I can if I think I can!

Finally, I will continue to remind myself that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, March 14). Hey! Is That You?. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from!-Is-That-You?&id=489409

You're A Plain Idiot!

You’re a plain idiot!
That’s the notion of shallow minded individuals,
They kept on accusing and judging foolishly,
But are they qualify to judge a man?

They continue to laugh
They continue to shout,
You’re a plain idiot!
You’re a plain idiot!

The great men of the ages
Gen. Wellington, Goldsmith, Dr. Chalmers, Dr. Isaac Barrow, Samuel Drew, Demosthenes, Charles Dickens, Napoleon Hill, and Thomas Alva Edison
Were been victimized by accusation, you’re a plain idiot!
But was this prediction is accurate?

Wake up young man, wake up!
Stop on doubting,
Stop on weeping,
Have faith and believe in yourself!

Yes, have faith and believe in yourself!
Remember faith sees the invisible,
Believes the unbelievable,
And achieve the impossible.

Beginning today, says these words to yourself
I am the master of my fate,
I am the master of my destiny,
And I can excel in this land!

Yes, you can excel in this land
If you just learned from mistakes of the past.
Keep on dreaming and improving with your being,
So you can change your destiny and conquer the impossible.

Remember the Loving God
Does not give you the spirit of negativism,
He does not give you the spirit of cowardness,
Instead He gave you the spirit of love, humility, courage,enthusiasm, persitence,
and determination.

Always bear these in mind
That the world is cruel to those who cannot help themselves. But the world is also kind to those who keep on dreaming, working, aiming high, and improving with their being.

Remember! Never to waste time thinking
What others think about you,
Because you will have little time left to think,
What you think about yourself.

Remember! If you really want to be a successor in life
Don’t look and wait to anyone to motivate you,
But look at your inner soul,
As it’s your best motivator!

Finally, God and I reminds you
Motivate your mind to think positively,
Have faith and believe in yourself,
Act now for you are not a plain idiot instead a unique individual!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, May 02). You're A Plain Idiot!. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from!&id=549564

Don't and Don't Ever Believe Them!

If people will tell that you are an idiot, don’t, and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: I am a unique, an intelligent, and an extra-ordinary individual; who has the ability and power to think, to create, to decide, and to react; Above all, has the power to make a good and most concrete wises decision than any other creatures.

If people will tell that you’re a calamitous man that ever existed in this world, don’t, and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: there is no such a calamitous, a disastrous, a doomed individual that created by his Loving and Merciful Creator; For thy Creator is a Loving and a Merciful God; Therefore He cannot allow watching and seeing his beloved human being will suffer as well as will live in miserable life. There is only such a doom and unfortunate being because he accepts and believes all the comment and dictate of others. Whose fault is it?

If people will tell that your English as well as grammar is poor and has no chance to succeed to your dreams, don’t, and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: if the great Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Hill was been able to overcome and improve their English as well as their grammar and became a man of excellence and valor and was been able to succeed in their longings in life, how much more I?

I too, can be capable to succeed and improve my command in English as well as in grammar by only encouraging, motivating, and nurturing myself in the importance of reading of good books as well as practicing always in speaking and writing. I believed that excellence can only be attained by a matter of believing in me that I can! And practice, practice, practice until I can make it perfect! Man has the power to achieve and change anything what he wants. It’s only a matter of constructive thinking, preparation, determination, perseverance, and a will that he can make it.

If people will tell that you can’t find a real happiness within you, don’t and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: What is real happiness? It is just keeping your heart free from hate; free your mind from worry. Live simply, be contented of what you have but don’t be contented of what you are, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine, forget self, think and help others. Do as you would like to be done by.

If people will tell that you are a failure, don’t and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: The true measure of a man’s success lies not on the number of times he falls, but on the number of times he rises and tries again. Therefore, I will not accept and believe in the word such as defeat and failure. For this is the word and vocabulary of the fools and the losers.

If people will continue to tell that you are a real failure man, don’t and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: If you think you are beaten, you are! If you think you dare not, you don’t! If you’d like to win but you think you can’t, it’s certainly you won’t. Life battles are not always go to stronger or faster man. But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!

If people will tell that you are the weakest man in the world, don’t and don’t ever believe them. Just remind and talk to yourself with these words: When you at your weakest, God is in His greatest. So don’t worry, be happy. You can if you think you can! And finally, I will always ponder and think in this wise counsel of the great man, John Maxwell that the only person who can stop you on becoming of what God intend you to become is you!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved Worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, January 21). Don't and Don't Ever Believe Them!. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from!&id=425412

Remember Your Dreams

Looking back behind, I can still see the face of my closest friend how happy and excited he was but a little bit hesitate in saying really? you will treat me in the Jollibee?

I was then in a third year high school, when God showed me His mercy and love in due time, the deepest confusion, inferiorities and hardships of my life.

I’m an ambitious young man and I have a lot of great dreams for my future. But how could it be? It’s the same questioned that always lingering in my mind. I’m the product of a broken home family, grew up in the street, and stayed with different and even with the cruel person in this world! It’s good that was finished! The bitter memory of my childhood! And now, I’m renting in this lonely old small room house with my own at least but working on a construction with P120.00 pesos salary per day paying for house rent, foods, and my studies. With this kind of situation, I felt as if I’m still trapped in misery and strife but living with great hope and determination to reach out even just a single of my dream, to finish my studies as a capital to have a brighter future because I believe in sayings that goes like this, “Do your best and God will do the rest”.

One day, one of my closest friend approached me and said…friend, are you still working? Yes! I said…why? He answered …we have quiz today; please attend the class because if you will missed it then you know absolutely what happened, right? Remember your dreams that you told me! Was the warned word of my friend while leaving. Thanks so much friend, I will! I assured back to him. So I hurried up to finish my work, loading the truck with some cements and gravels. When I finished, I hurriedly headed toward my lonely home to make some quick preparations of my school things that I needed because the class will start at 1:30 p.m. and it was then 12:30 so at least I have one hour to prepare myself. While doing so, this closest friend of mine knocks on my door, so we went to school together.

It was not yet time for the class to start, so we decided to pass by in the library. By there, my adviser saw and called me! Mr. Reconalla, can you go in my office? I have an urgent matter to discuss with you! I paused for a while to think and guess what were going to discuss and oh! What came in my mind just make me feel nervous and makes me a little bit sick! Because I was thinking that most of the cases like mine that the adviser talk privately with his/her students was when you’re a delinquent kind of students on academic, behavior or in any kind of poor performances and despite of that I felt very weak to think a positive one since I didn’t eat and rest well yet before I went here in school. Of course I don’t have any choice, with a heavy feet and heart, I followed and entered into my advisers’ office and there she was waiting patiently. I could hardly wait what she will going to tell me because before she opened her mouth to start, I could not almost hold the different emotions and feelings to the things she going to tell me. I can hear the tremendous pounding of my heartbeat. And at last! She started to talk. I understand what you feel right now my dear! She said, as she was reading the expression in my face and as she was looking straight in the window of my soul….Oh! Thanks I said for minimizing and giving a little relief.

You know, I have a better plan for you! I was aware of the situation you have through your friend and I observing you for so long in your class performance and I salute you! It’s really hard for you to finish your schooling in high school with such kind of situation for it’s only few opportunities here to help you to support your needs than to college, so I encourage you to take a Philippine Examination Placement Test by next week. I have confident with you that you can do it! She said, unaware of my informal education background. I did not passed through a step-by-step grade level from elementary and some of my cards were just faked by merciful teachers to let me jumped to a higher grade and now here in high school with this third year level. And here I am, I could hardly believe, my teacher wants me to jump again to college and she has confident on me!” Confident”, a word that I needed most to hear on that time for inferiorities succumbed me most of the time in my life! Just prepare this so and so…. And I will help you to register when you have all the things that I said you would needed.

Some other things she was talking about were not clear anymore because of my excitement and happiness in replacement of my feelings I felt before I entered in the office. I thank God and my adviser for such good opportunity for me! I really thanked God with great relief and with a deep sighed for providing an instrument so that step by step I can fulfill my dreams. After our class, I shared it with my closest friend and he too was so very happy and excited with me because I told him that I’m going to treat him in Jollibee if I am able to pass this exam, so I let him pray for me. Of course my dear friend! He assured me! So we separated from each other with happiness and excited in our hearts. Night came and I was visited with various emotions in my heart and thought in mind that I could hardly sleep. What if I failed, what if I did not finish my studies… and so many, many what ifs’ questioned that entered in my mind again. Oh! My life maybe has really no direction and worthless after if I failed this good chance for me. So I bowed down and prayed hard to give me wisdom and strength to face another challenge of everyday life that would come especially the coming test that I am going to take! After that, I slept peacefully with a lighter load of burden and cares of uncertainties of life!

A days before examination, I went to my sisters’ house to lent money that I would needed, and when I arrived there she was so happy that I was able to visit her but when I told the real reason why visited her she was a little bit disappointed but grant my request and gave me her last money in her pocket. She said luck for me and I immediately headed to my advisers house because she promised that she’s the one who will go to register me. So we went to the registration office and lo and behold! It was only one blank registration form left for me as if it was really waiting for me because if we were late a little bit or just a second then it might get by others and I need to wait another year or perhaps some other year again. My kind teacher and I were so very thankful to God with that miracle event I could say!

Examination day came. Nervousness haunted me once again for I’m thinking that maybe I’m the oldest guy taking an exam there and can’t imagine I’m surrounded by young persons staring at me to let me feel embarrass and uncomfortable. So again, I prayed fervently to God that just do His Will for me and let me overcome the feelings I had. When I entered and seat in my designated place, I tried to look around if I was right in my imagination and see! There’s a lot, lot older persons than myself, than I was thinking before. The exams were so hard for me and I can’t remember any that I was able to studied and learned from the classroom, why? Because despite of my informal education background, if I’m not late then I was absent then. So I just relied on the Will and Wisdom from above and with some information’s I learned from my personal readings of books which I borrowed for sometimes in some of my good friends.

One month had passed; I could hardly wait for the result of my exams. My closest friend and adviser were also waited for me. Also, sometimes I could hardly sleep to think about it, so I decided to go on the office of the examination center and asked for a result. Surely, I was not disappointed, they gave it to me! When I got to know the result, I want to shout…… shout for joy! Because I made it! But instead I looked up my head up to heaven and ascended my thanks giving prayer! I went to my adviser and thanked her and she said that I am free now to enroll in college. Oh! What a blessing for me! But of course before my story end, for sure we have a little celebration in Jollibee with my closest friend.

How happy I was during those times but for sure I will much, much happy when I had received my diploma! As a bachelor holder in History and Minor in Political Science and passed the Philippine National Teachers Board Exam, the fulfilled dream of my life! Now, I am upgrading my Master’s degree in Guidance and Counseling and the same time worked as a School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor, and Working Students Supervisor.

To you, my readers, I firmly encouraged you, Do your best and God will do the rest!

Always remember that The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved Worldwide. Copyright October 2006-2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2006, October 07). Remember Your Dreams. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 15, 2007, from

Remember The World Awaits You

Young man, don’t be sad and lonely
For the failures and mistakes that came your way.
Welcome it whole heartedly
For it can teach you to become a man of excellence.

Don’t be discourage if the world is against you
Move on, move on and move on!
Prove to the world that you are man
That cannot be easily swayed by the will of others.

Always remember to think positively
Have faith and believe in yourself.
For that’s the precious gift given by your loving Creator,
That can bring you safe from wondering in the valley of confusions.

Young man, listen now to my counsel,
To make your dreams come true
Learn to discipline yourself
Love and appreciate your being
Learn the value of time
Never dwell your mind in idleness and laziness
Use your time wisely for the innovation of your being and for helping the lowly ones.

Always motivate your mind
To never allow time to pass by without reading good books.
Books are the hidden treasure,
That can motivate your intellect to think and grow rich!

Remember if you have a dream
Hold on to your dream
If your dream’s die
You’re like a wounded bird without a wing!

So hold on, hold on, and hold on
Never and never give up!
You can if you think you can!
Remember that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Finally, remember the world awaits you
He needs a young man like you.
For you have power and many gifts
That can help to make a change and improvement to the lives of the needy.

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

MOises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. 2007 Remember The World Awaits You. EzineArticles (June, 22), (accessed July 25, 2007)

I Am The Master of Myself!

I am the master of myself!
No other creatures can deteriorate; match the skills, talents and abilities of my being. For the Loving God gave a mind to think for the innovation of myself, He gave the eyes, the hands and the feet to transform all my plans into action.

Yes, I am the master of myself!
I am the master of my fate.
I am the master of my destiny,
And I can excel in this land!

Yes, I can excel in this land that full of hardships, pain and trials. For the Loving God gave me the power. Power to laugh at my short coming and error, and power to cry, to release all the pain and sorrow of life.

Yes, I am the master of myself!
For the Loving God gave additional power.
Power to rise up once again after I fall,
And power to continue to move on, to conquer the impossible!

Now, I learned lesson from the past that self-discipline, preparation, determination, persistence, love of God and love of my fellowmen is a passport for success. Trials and hardships make a man strong, Failure and mistakes make a man humble but only the Loving God keeps a man going.

Therefore, beginning today no longer I think what others think about me. No longer I doubt and weep. No longer have I compared myself unto others, instead I compare only my past self so I can be able to love and learn to appreciate my being.

Yes, I am the master of myself!
To keep me moving and improving,
Everyday, I will motivate myself to read the Bible and other inspirational and motivational books, for these are the nutrients and vitamins for my mind and soul.

Yes, I am the master of myself!
To keep my spirit alive, I’ll endure to think positively.
I’ll persist to imitate the lives of the great men of excellence. And I’ll continue to motivate, nurture my intellect to have faith and believe in myself.

Finally, I’ll motivate myself to pray and give thanks daily to my beloved Creator. For He is the source of my strength and energy. For He is my only treasure and faithful friend. Without Him, I am meaningless in all meaningless under the sun!

Therefore, beginning today, I’ll talk to Him with these words: Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for loving and being patient to me. Thank you for giving me the chance and opportunity to plant the seeds of my uniqueness and productivity in this land. Please continue to guide and use me, so I can help and give comfort to the lonely, doubting broken soul and bring them nearer unto you. Finally, forgive me to all my short comings that I committed against thee. In Christ name, I’ll pray…Amen.

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, May 30). I Am The Master of Myself!. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 09, 2007, from!&id=585138

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My 14 Vows of Success

Dear Lord, thank you that today you wake-up my mind from a depth sleep. Thank you for reminding me that today is the preparation of my future success. Thank you for helping me to realize that life is full of hardships, pains, sorrows, and trials. Then, the only way to beat these odds is to face and take it as a challenge of life and so just continue on improving myself. Therefore, beginning today dear Lord, I will not waste my time for idleness, laziness, cowardness, and timidity instead I will use it as an opportunity for the improvement of my being.

Beginning today, I will take charge of my mind. I’ve learned from my life experiences that if I think a negative, the result is always a negative. But If I think a positive, the result is always a positive.

Beginning today, I will take charge of my mouth. I’ll be careful and tactful in my words when I am engaging in conversation with my beloved fellow human being. I know that life and death is in the power of the tongue.

Beginning today, I will take good care of my health. For it is my only investment and tools to reach my goals and dreams in life.

Beginning today, I will take charge of my emotions. Everyday, I will motivate myself to act as an educated and emotionally mature individual. If happened that I encountered insult and disappointment, I will just remind myself that this too, shall pass!

Beginning today, I will put the others first and serve them honestly with love and care. For these are my only chance to share the love, kindness and blessings from Above.

Beginning today, I will teach myself to be compassionate, humble, lovable, and open-minded in dealing with people. I’ve learned from the counsels and writings of the great men of the ages that being a compassionate, humble, lovable, and open-minded person is the best cure in healing of the old wounds of the broken-hearted. That can help to cast out the doubts, feeling of inferiority and hatred in their hearts and minds. It can also be the best technique in winning the hearts of the wicked men and eventually to become his friend.

Beginning today, I will teach myself the importance of hard work, honesty, sincerity, time management, frugality, initiative, planning, creativeness, determination, patience, persistence, enthusiasm, cooperation, extra mile, faith, and trust in myself. For these are the secret of success in any field of works.

Beginning today, I will embrace all the hardships, pains, sorrows, and trials as a challenge and stepping-stone for success. Trials are medicines which my Loving God prescribed because I need them. He proportions the frequency and weight of them to what the case requires. Therefore, let me trust His skill, and eventually thank Him for His prescription.

Beginning today, I will nurture my character. For my character is the only shield to protect and cover my reputation against the trap and honey words of the wicked individuals.

Beginning today, I will improve myself. I will encourage and teach myself the importance of self-respect and self-discipline. For these are the foundations of success.

Beginning today, I will treasure the importance of reading good books. Books are the best, wise, patient mentors, professors of all any colleges and universities in the world. Books are the best source of knowledge and wisdom. It can help me to become more discerning, depth and great thinker.

Beginning today, I will practice to have my own originality. Today is my only chance that I can prove and show to the world that I am a unique man created by the loving hands of the Almighty God. That have has a mission and vision to fulfill. To plant the seeds of my uniqueness and productivity in this land!

Beginning today, I will remove from my words and vocabulary such words and phrases: defeat, failure, improvable, impossible, hopeless, and retreat for these are the words and vocabulary of the fools and losers.

Finally, beginning today, I will make my Loving God as a partner in every plans and decisions of life. With Him, I can do all things that others think and sees it is impossible!

Now, with these precious short 14 vows of success in my hands, If I just diligently follow each precept daily and put it in my heart and mind, surely! I’ll be the most happiest and successful person in the future.

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises P. Reconalla

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, July 15). My 14 Vows of Success. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 13, 2007, from

I Dream To Become A Great Man

I was born as a poor boy and grew up in the street without the care, guidance and supervision of my beloved parent. I have been experienced an empty stomach, Almost naked, without permanent shelter and without proper education.

As a young man with deprived and sad experiences of life, I started to think of innovation and dream for my future. I dream to become a famous, I dream to become a great man!

Yes, I to dream to become a great man. A great man with power and authority. A great man like Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Dave Higgins, Hernando Zamora, John Maxwell, Manuel Quezon, , Og Mandino, Ralp Wardo Emerson, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.

Yes, I dream to become a great man. ‘Coz I want to have a change and improvement. A change and improvement to my beloved country, A change and improvement to the lives of the needy.

‘Coz I thought to become a great man is to have power and authority. Power and authority over the lives of the people, Power and authority to become their lord and master.

But now, I realized that to become a great man It is not to become the lord of their lives, instead the lord of good example. But now, I also realized that to become a great man it is not to become the master of their lives, instead a master of change in helping to improve their way of living.

Now with this precious thoughts that still fresh in my mind, I am thankful to my beloved Creator for helping me this to realize. Another thing is that, to become a great man is to change and improve first myself. Not be a self-centered, lord and master to others, instead a lord and master of my own self.

I realized that, for changing my own self, I can gradually change my own destiny. I realized that, for changing my own self, I can gradually brighten up my future.

Lo! Today I will live as if it is my last. I will improve myself, my character, my skills, and my talents. I will serve and help others with love and care, And I will become great!

Yes, I will become a great man if I will think the good of others before myself. For only in serving, helping, loving, and sharing the blessings from Above, I can finally win the hearts, favors and support from my beloved human being. And my name will be hailed forever in the pyramid and pages of history!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises P. Reconalla

About the Author:

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling, General Psychology, Philippine History: Roots and Development, General Anthropology and Sociology, and Dr. Jose Rizal: Life, Works & Writings.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright 2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this Poem on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the Poem is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Poem Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2007, June 10). I Dream To Become A Great Man. EzineArticles. Retrieved September 13, 2007, from

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How to Gather Honey Instead of Bee Stings

Few people realize the importance of the words they speak. There is almost no way to overemphasize the importance of what we say. Yet most people give it almost no thought, usually speaking without thinking.

The Inspirational Classical author, Og Mandino once asked to himself “Why is it, then that so many of us go out of our own way to offend others with criticism and offensive judgments that so often come back to haunt us? Why do we allow our big mouths to dig ruts in our path so deep that our forward progress is finally nil? Is this more of that “will to fail” that has already been covered?”

He continued and commented “If your tongue has been busy accumulating enemies for you, enemies you do not need who can harm you, now is as good time as many to cease and desists. How said it would be for such a petty habit to destroy your great potential.”

Another very well-known inspirational and classical author described the worst effects of criticism to the receivers. Dale Carnegie, in his book entitled “How to win friends and influence people” articulates that “Criticism is futile because it puts a man on the defensive, and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a man’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses his resentment.”

My dear readers, Dale Carnegie remind “When dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” He warns that doing “criticism is a dangerous spark – a spark that is liable to cause an explosion in the powder magazine of pride – an explosion that sometimes hastens death.”

Carnegie continued and gave a very good examples in his above statements, “General Leonard Wood was criticized and not allowed to go with the army to France. That blow to his pride probably shortened his life. Bitter criticism drove Thomas Chatterton, the English poet, to suicide.”

I remember the Greek Philosopher, Phytagoras once says “A wound from a tongue is worse than a wound from a sword for that latter affects only the body, the former affects the spirit.”

In the Bible, James the disciple of Jesus Christ gave a warning of the evil poison of the tongue. He described some who try to use their tongue as praise and blessing to God, then turn around to use their tongue to speak evil of one another. “With it we bless our God and Father, and with it rue curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so” (James 3:9-10). We cannot use our tongue to curse and bad-mouth our brethren, then continue “business as usual” with our relationship with God. The Bible clearly says that such tongue behavior is characteristic of hypocrites. “The hypocrite with his mouth destroys his neighbor... “(Prov. 11:9).

The great teacher of all times, The Lord Jesus Christ revealed to us that our words are important. In the book of Matthew 12:36-37, Jesus exclaimed “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned” (NIV).

Certainly, my dear readers this is not a negative message. When we understand the importance and power of our words, we can use them for good. The Word of God clearly says “death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21 NIV). James the disciple of Jesus Christ adds, “The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a word of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and itself set on fire by hell” (NIV).

The above texts mean that life is controlled by words. I repeat, life is controlled by words. Words release authority. Words determine the course of events. Words matter. What should you do about this?

Ellen G. White one of the great founder of Seventh-day Adventist, gave a very good and inspiring answers in above query. In her book entitled “Ministry of Healing” she encouraged us that we should “Cultivate the habit of speaking well of others. Dwell upon the good qualities of those with whom you associate, and see as little as possible of their errors and failings.”

She further encouraged us “When tempted to complain of what someone has said or done, praise something in that person’s life or character. Cultivate thankfulness. Praise God for His wonderful love in giving Christ to die for us.”

And for those who are enjoying and making fun of criticism, she warned, “Evilspeaking is a twofold curse, falling more heavily upon the speaker than upon the hearer. He who scatters the seeds of dissension and strife reaps in his own soul the deadly fruits. The very act of looking for evil in others develops evil in those who look. By dwelling upon the faults of others, we are changed into the same image.”

She encouraged “Instead of criticizing and condemning others, say, “I must work out my own salvation. If I co-operate with Him who desires to save my soul, I must watch myself diligently. I must become a new creature in Christ. Then, instead of weakening those who are striving against evil, I can strengthen by encouraging words.” She added, “We are too indifferent in regard to one another. Too often we forget that our fellow laborers are in need of strength and sympathy. Help them by your prayers, and let them know that you do it.”

James asserted that “If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless” (James 1:26 NIV).

People remember no one knows when life is over. Our life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears! So I encouraged you, don’t let your life die like an insects without doing something good to yourself and to your fellowmen.

Rebecca Barlow Jordan reminds “It’s not how much you accomplish in life that really counts but how much you give to other. It’s not how many goals you reach, but how many lives you touch. Believe in the impossible, hold tight to the incredible, and live each day to its fullest potential. You can make a difference in your world.”

Before my conclusion with my article, I would like to share with you a short story of the Song of the Bird.

Sufi Bayazi says this about himself: “I was a revolutionary when I was young, and all my prayer to God was … “Lord, give me the energy to change the world.”

As I approached middle age and realized that half my life was gone without changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to… “Lord, give me the grace to change all those who came contact with me. Just my family and friends, I shall be content.”

Now that I am an old man and my days are remembered, my one prayer is “Lord, give me the grace to change MYSELF.”

Had I prayed for this right from the start, I should not have wasted my life.

My prayer and my aim to God may this article that I have written here will help and assist you on how to improve your life in becoming a productive individual, a source of encouragement and a source of inspiration to other people!

Once again, I encouraged you do not let your life die like an insects without doing something good to yourself and to your fellowmen. Use your life as source of encouragement and a source of inspiration to other people!

Remember life is so short! So use it for a productive, for a meaningful, and for a peaceful living with yourself and with your fellowmen.

"Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy...think about such things" (Philippians 4:8 NIV).

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About the Author

Moises P. Reconalla is the School Guidance Counselor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao College, Panabo City, Philippines.

He has taught several courses at the college including: Guidance and Counseling and General Psychology.

All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright September 2006-2007 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Article Source: Reconalla, Moises. (2006, September 30). How to Gather Honey Instead of Bee Stings. EzineArticles. Retrieved August 30, 2007, from