It’ really true that in this world, there are always problems, failures that will always accompanies in human being as long as he lives. Sometimes it can lead us to sink and loss our hopes to move on, to reach for the stars of our dreams.
As young man, I learned through my life experienced that life without trials is vanity! It cannot help you to be strong and to become a man of excellence. Only in time of trials and hardships that a man will be known in the pages of history if he is really a man of power, a man of courage or a man of talking and retreat. That is the reason why I’ll always promise this to myself that I will not allow any inferiorities and weaknesses to overcome me. Instead, I’ll take it as challenge and stepping-stone to conquer and shoot for the stars of my dreams. Am always believe that our loving and merciful God has a special plan and purpose to each one of us, sometimes He allows the enduring trials and hardships enable us to be sharpening like iron.
Dear readers, if your encounter with tough hardships, failures, problems and odds, your philosophy in life should be…Never, never give up! Or the burden may sink you; Providence kindly has mingled the cup and in all trials and troubles, that challenge you. The watchword of your life must be Never, never give up! Dare Mighty Things! Hold On to your Dreams! Try and try until you succeed!
People if you have tried and met with failure; if you have planned and watched your plans as they were crushed before your eyes; just remember that greatest men in all history were the products of courage, and courage, you know, is born in the cradle of adversity.
That is why I would like to encourage you to read as well as think of this carefully…
If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you’d like to win but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.
Life’s battles don’t always to the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
Paramahan Yogananda reminds you “…not take life’s experiences too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you for in reality they nothing worthy but dream experiences.”
She adds, “If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them part of you. Play your part in life, but never forget that it is only a role!”
Dr. Peale elaborates and convinced you dear readers, to know yourself. Control your mind. Think. Make right decisions. Never accept defeat. Believe in yourself. Mentally accept your great future. Never think of failing. Believe that YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN!
Finally, I believe this is one of the best formula and solutions to overcome all the chaos in life…
God said build a better world. "I asked, how? The world is such a big place, cold and complicated, I'm too young. There's little I can do." But God in all His wisdom said: JUST BUILD A BETTER YOU!"
Before I will conclude my article, I would like to remind you people. As you sail through life, don’t avoid rough waters! Sail on… because calm seas; never make you a skillful sailor! Be strong always! Because God will be your anchor!
Again, You Can If You Think You Can! Do your best and God will do the rest! Always remember…that the Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!
Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!
Moises Padin Reconalla
About The Author
Moises Currently worked as School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.
You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or visit his blog at http://www.mosesreconalla.krify.com/
All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla
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