Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Taking A Stand For Yourself

ByMoises Padin Reconalla

Readers, we have only one life to live that given by our loving God. Are we living it with self-respect, with purpose, with a strategy for continued growth?

When we are born each of us is given a white piece of blank paper to write down whatever that we want. Some write only a little, some write a lot but some just allow others to write for them. Whose fault is it?

Sheep, for self-preservation, always remain with their herd. Why do so many of us act as if we were sheep? Why do we abandon the management of our lives to others while we stumble forlornly through each day waiting only for the next command to jump or perform for our breakfast?

Nena and George O’Neil reminds us that “If we do not rise to the challenge of our unique capacity to shape our own lives, to seek the kinds of growth that we find individually fulfilling, then we can have no security: we will live in a world of sham, in which our selves are determined by the will of others, in which we will be constantly buffeted and increasingly insolated by the changes around us. Without choice we can have no direction; without a life strategy that is our own we lose our sense of self and become a cipher, a nothing.”

And Og Mandino one of the best self-improvement author that I admired most added, “Whenever we allow others to control our lives we place our future in their hands, we abdicate our right to make choices beneficial to us, and we stifle all opportunity for growth. With no goals, no priorities, no life strategy of our own, we drift with the herd through an endless meadow of mediocrity, unable to break loose, to achieve even a small part of the dreams we once cherished.”

Taking a stand in life, a stand for yourself, is integral to shifting gears, to growing through self-directed change. Nena and George O’Neil gave seven keys to creative self-management that can help you to develop a stand in life:

1. Don’t ask permission. Do it.

2. Don’t report. Check things out with yourself, not others.

3. Don’t apologize unnecessarily. This is telling others you are a self-diminisher.

4. Don’t recriminate yourself. The missed-opportunity syndrome keeps you from moving forward.

5. Don’t say “I should” or “I shouldn’t.” Ask “Why?” or “Why not?”

6. Don’t be afraid to say no or yes. Act on what you think and feel.

7. Don’t put yourself completely in the hands of another. Be a self-determiner.

Nena and George explained, “Each of these keys is a negative because it is necessary to counteract our too frequent capitulation to cultural and social dicta that insist upon our conformity, that tells us security lies in being like other people instead of fulfilling our individual needs through continuing growth. But this negative cast doesn’t mean that we must forsake others or fail to take others into account.”

They further explained, “The truth is that we can have understanding and consideration for others only to the extent that we ourselves are strong. If we are ciphers, ruled by others, then we have nothing to give others. It is only when we begin to manage our own change that we can truly give ourselves in a caring and sharing way, we give to another or to a project or situation out of our feelings of independence, self-reliance, and security, not out of self-diminishment and weakness. A corollary to these key is: be kind to yourself. Few of us can reach a compassionate kindness for others unless we can be kind to our selves first.”

That is why, I encouraged that love yourself first before you say “I love you” and serve other people. Do not let others rule over you! Remember, our Loving God gave us the mind, the two eyes, the two hands, and two feet to use for our self-growth and improvement. So use it…don’t allow others to control your destiny and ambition in life!

Further, I encouraged you dear readers, Just Build a Better You! Be a productive individual, becoming a source of encouragement and a source of inspiration to other people!

Before I conclude my message, I would like to request you to read and think of this carefully: John Maxwell my favorite authors in leadership and self-improvement books, which writings changed and improved my life into becoming a productive individual reminds you that “The only person who can stop you from becoming what God intends you to become is you!"

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About the Author

Moises Padin Reconalla is currently worked as a School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or visit his alternate blog at www.mosesreconalla.krify.com

The author requesting you, Please take time to read his free inspirational and motivational articles which can help as well as motivate your mind to Think and Grow Rich!

Finally, don't forget to leave a comments.

All rights reserved Worldwide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

This article is free for republishingSource: http://www.articlealley.com/

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Just Build A Better YOU!

by Moises Padin Reconalla

If we really desire to become a better and a successful person, it lies upon in our hands. In life full of trials and hardships we need God and hard works enable to become successful person someday.

God said: Build a better world. "I asked, How? the world is such a big place, cold and complicated, I'm too young. There's little I can do." But God in all His wisdom said: JUST BUILD A BETTER YOU."

I’ll still remember when I was a young boy. I have a lot of great dreams for my future. But how could it be? It’s the same questioned that always lingering in my mind. I’m the product of a broken home family, grew up in the street, and stayed with different and even with the cruel person in this world! It’s good that was over! The bitter memory of my childhood!

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies from the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the only way to beat the odds in life is to face and take it as a challenge and continue on remaking ourselves into a better person! and also by making God as a partner in every adherrings in life because in Him nothing is impossible!

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies from the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the first step to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is dare to dream.

Julie Anne Ford points out "Let nothing hold you back from exploring your wildest fantasies, wishes, and aspirations. Don't be afraid to dream big and to follow your dreams wherever they may lead you.Open your eyes to their beauty; open your mind to their magic; open your heart to their possibilities."

Julie Anne Ford further pointed out "Dare to dream, Because only by dreaming, will you ever discover who you are, what you want, and what you can do. Don't be afraid to take risks,to become involved, to make commitment. Do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. Always believe in miracles, and always believe in you!".

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies from the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the second steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is believe to himself.

"Believe in yourself! Believe you were made to do any task without calling for aid. Believe, without growing too scornfully proud, that you, as the greatest and least are endowed. A mind to do thinking, two hands and two eyesare all the equipment God gives to the wise.

Believe in yourself! You are divinely designed and perfectly madefor the work of mankind. The truth you must cling to through danger and pain; the heights others have reached you can also attain.

Believe to the very last hour, for it is true.That what ever you will, you've been gifted to do.Believe in yourself and step out unafraid. By misgivings and doubt be not easily swayed. You've the right to succeed;the precision of skill which betokens the greatyou can earn if you will! The wisdom of the ages is yours if you'll read. But you've got to believe in yourself to succeed" (Winning Words of Champions, p. 103).

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies of the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the third steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is Believe that he can do anything if he thinks he can!

Donna Fargo convinced you that " Just start somewhere. Resolve to do something.You might even write out what you want toaccomplish. Then explore what you need to do to reach you goal, and start doing it, step by step. It's the same as if you were planning a trip: you get a map, make your preparations, and then starttraveling the right road."

She added, "Don't get "bound up" in any problems that stand in your way. Do something every day to resolve them. Trust your instincts. Do one thing at a time. Remember... if you sow seeds of fear, doubt, panic, and procrastination, it will most likely work against you. If you keep doing the same things you're doing now, you will keep ending up in similar places to where you are now."

She further added, "Once you start making progress towards your goal,you will be magically propelled towards eventual reward. Just keep listening and taking direction from inside you. Be patient; your dreams will not come true overnight. But start now, and go with love and courage and confidence. Don't be afraid.You can do anything you believe you can. And don't forget to keep an open mind and heart tocheck yourself along the way. You can do it! Go for it, and good luck."

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies of the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the fourth steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is to avoid the negative, toxic people. Avoid people who are always belittling your ability.

The Word of God clearly gave a warning about this: “Do not be misled: ‘Bad Company corrupts good character” (1 Corintthians15:33 NIV). Before during my student life, I experienced too a lot of criticism. But as a young man and young historian, who are always thirsty, hunger for knowledge and wisdom, through reading the profiles of the great people of the world, I discovered, come up, and finally concluded that a statue has never, never been erected in honor for a critics!

My Dear readers if you will experience similar experienced of the author, please do not take heed to that group of toxic, negative people but focus on your main goal to win!

Teddy Rosevelt, an American great president once says, “In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly.

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”

Once again, I strongly encourages you, focus in your goals to win and read and think of this carefully:

If you think you are beaten, you are.

If you think you dare not, you don’t.

If you’d like to win but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.

Life’s battles don’t always to the stronger or faster man

But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

Calvin Coolidge argued, “Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talents will not, nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Educations will not, the world is full of education derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

I’ve found out that before any great accomplishment is achieved in reality, it’s believed in heart. If you need to hear the applause of the crowd, you have to begin your attack in the face of criticism, believing that the applause will come later.

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies from the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the fifth steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is learn on how to use his time wisely.

Through my personal readings in the profiles of the great people of the world, I found out that their main secrets why they become so successful in their life because of time management skills. So therefore, I firmly encouraged you, if you’re really desire to win in the battles and cahlleges of life, learn in how to use your time wisely.

Dr Bella Angeles Abangan, my favorite Filipino author in self-improvement reminded you that “The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop; at late or early hour. Now is the only time you own. Live, love, work with a will. Place no faith in tomorrow, for the clock of life may then be still.”

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies in the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the sixth steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is to learn as well as teach himself to value other people.

Remember the sayings readers “No man is an Island”. Enable for you to become successful in you’re adhering in life, you should learn to value other people. Andrew Carnegie, the author of the book How to Win Friends and Influenced People emphasize“It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.” Helen Keller, the blind woman who became a great educator further added “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

The Word of God forcefully reminding us people, In the Book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 uttered, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (NIV).

I have learned through my life experiences as well as studies of the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the 7th steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is Be True to His Heart And His Dreams Will Come True.

Debra Ruegg-Jenkins gaves a wise counsel for you. She says, "Stay true to all your beliefs and goals. Stand tall. Through all life's setbacks and disappointments, your dreams will come true. When no one else is with you, and no one seems to care, just whisper to yourself, "I am the controller of my destiny. It's up to me what comes to pass, and if I keep my thoughts positive and strong,my dreams will come true."

She added, "When what seem to be impossible obstacles stand in your way, just think of all the times you got through yesterday.There is a place for you in this world. Stay on your chosen path. All the power is within you; be true to what is in your heart. Be honest within yourself; if you are, then you cannot fail. Your dreams will come true."

I have learned through my life experiences and studies through the profiles as well as writings of the great wisemen that the eight steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is Never Let Go Of Hope.

Jancarl Campi reminds you that "One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be.You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself,"How did I get through all of that?" Just never let go of hope. Just never quit dreaming. And never let love depart from your life."

I have learned through my life experiences and studies of the profile as well as writings of the great wisemen that the nineth steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is believe that Anything Is Possible.

Dena DiIaconi encouraged you to "Believe in Yourself, and Remember that Anything Is Possible Believe in what makes you feel good. Believe in what makes you happy. Believe in the dreams you've always wanted to come true, and give them every chance to. Life holds no promises as to what will come your way. You must search for your own idealsand work towards reaching them. Life makes no guarantees as to what you'll have. It just gives you time to make choices and to take chances and to discover whatever secrets might come your way."

she advised that, "If you are willing to take the opportunities you are givenand utilize the abilities you have,you will constantly fill your life with special moments and unforgettable times. No one knows the mysteries of life or its ultimate meaning, but for those who are willingto believe in their dreams and in themselves, life is a precious gift in which anything is possible."

I have learned through my experiences and studies through the profiles and writings of the great wisemen that the tenth steps to makes an individual to become a better and a successful person is teach himself to Trust and Make God be the Center of His Life.

Solomon, a great wise man advised if your really longing to win in the battles of life, you must learn, practice, and encourage yourself to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV). And put God in the center and everything will come together (Romans 8:28 NIV).

Starting today, if you will make God as the center of your life, God has a special promised for you. He will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom! (Deuteronomy 28:11-13 NIV).

Finally my dear reader, John Maxwell reminds you that " The only person who can stop you from becoming what God intends you to become is you!"

Once again I encouraged you...Just BUILD A BETTER YOU! and always remember this my beloved readers that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!

Wish you more blessings from the Lord Jesus Christ as well as Good Luck to your life struggles!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About the Author

Moises Padin Reconalla Currently worked as a School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com

All rights reserved. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Beginning Today, Promise These to Yourself

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will only socialize to the group of good and wise people, for they were a good source of good character, knowledge as well as wisdom. By associating and socializing with them, you also will become good in character as well as will become wise!

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will avoid the negative, toxic people who are only fun of talking, back-fighting, criticizing as well as mocking the mistakes and faults of other people, for they’re virus and venom are severe that even the medical surgeon cannot help them heal their diseased and has experience difficulty to cure the poisons and scars of their victims.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will begin to establish your goal in life. Make your goal achievable, contrite and specific so you can make your life to have a sense of direction as well as a sense of meaningful and productive living.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself, that you will nurture your character, for your character will be your only and best weapon to close the mouth against the evil-tongues of your enemies. For your character will cover and protect your reputation.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself, that you will do your work as perfect as possible. Make it a life – rule to give your best to whatever passes through your hands. Stamp it with your manhood. Let superiority be your trademark; let it characterize everything you touch. This is what every employer is looking for; it indicates the best kind of brain; it is as the best substitute for genius. It is better capital than cash; it is a better promoter than friends, or pulls with the influential.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself, never to allow any dishonest gain or faults in your work that will come in your hands. For every fault you allow to become a habit, to get control over you, helps to make you second-class and puts you at disadvantage in the race for honor, position, wealth, as well as happiness.

Beginning today, promise these yourself, never to criticize people. Criticizing it only marks, shows as well as acknowledges that you are an inferior person. Always bear in mind that a wound from a tongue is worst than a wound from the swords. For latter affects only the body; the former affects the spirit. Always remember to be patient in dealing with people for you are not dealing with a people of logic but you are dealing with a people of emotions.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will practice encourage instead of discourage. Remember your life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears! Therefore, any good that you can do or any kindness you can show to any human being let you do it now. Let you not defer it or neglect it; for you shall not pass this way again.

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will make your life not just for a living. For thousands of men breath, move and live pass off the stage of life and are heard no more. Why? They did not give a particle of good in the world. None were blest by them. None could point to them as the instrument of their redemption. Their light went out in darkness and they were not remembered more than insects of yesterday. Will you live and die? Live for something!

Beginning today, promise these to yourself that you will make God be as your partner in every adhering in life. By making and putting God the center as well as partner of your life, everything will come together. Always recall this, with men everything is impossible but with God all things are possible!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

About the Author

Moises Padin Reconalla Currently worked as a School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Students Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.
You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com

All rights reserved. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Remember Your Dreams

Looking back behind, I can still see the face of my closest friend how happy and excited he was but a little bit hesitate in saying really? you will treat me in the Jollibee?

I was then in a third year high school, when God showed me His mercy and love in due time, the deepest confusion, inferiorities and hardships of my life.

I’m an ambitious young man and I have a lot of great dreams for my future. But how could it be? It’s the same questioned that always lingering in my mind. I’m the product of a broken home family, grew up in the street, and stayed with different and even with the cruel person in this world! It’s good that was finished! The bitter memory of my childhood!

And now, I’m renting in this lonely old small room house with my own at least but working on a construction with P120.00 pesos salary per day paying for house rent, foods, and my studies. With this kind of situation, I felt as if I’m still trapped in misery and strife but living with great hope and determination to reach out even just a single of my dream, to finish my studies as a capital to have a brighter future because I believe in sayings that goes like this, “Do your best and God will do the rest”.

One day, one of my closest friend approached me and said…friend, are you still working? Yes! I said…why? He answered …we have quiz today; please attend the class because if you will missed it then you know absolutely what happened, right? Remember your dreams that you told me! Was the warned word of my friend while leaving. Thanks so much friend, I will! I assured back to him. So I hurried up to finish my work, loading the truck with some cements and gravels. When I finished, I hurriedly headed toward my lonely home to make some quick preparations of my school things that I needed because the class will start at 1:30 p.m. and it was then 12:30 so at least I have one hour to prepare myself. While doing so, this closest friend of mine knocks on my door, so we went to school together.

It was not yet time for the class to start, so we decided to pass by in the library. By there, my adviser saw and called me! Mr. Reconalla, can you go in my office? I have an urgent matter to discuss with you! I paused for a while to think and guess what were going to discuss and oh! What came in my mind just make me feel nervous and makes me a little bit sick! Because I was thinking that most of the cases like mine that the adviser talk privately with his/her students was when you’re a delinquent kind of students on academic, behavior or in any kind of poor performances and despite of that I felt very weak to think a positive one since I didn’t eat and rest well yet before I went here in school. Of course I don’t have any choice, with a heavy feet and heart, I followed and entered into my advisers’ office and there she was waiting patiently. I could hardly wait what she will going to tell me because before she opened her mouth to start, I could not almost hold the different emotions and feelings to the things she going to tell me. I can hear the tremendous pounding of my heartbeat. And at last! She started to talk. I understand what you feel right now my dear! She said, as she was reading the expression in my face and as she was looking straight in the window of my soul….Oh! Thanks I said for minimizing and giving a little relief.

You know, I have a better plan for you! I was aware of the situation you have through your friend and I observing you for so long in your class performance and I salute you! It’s really hard for you to finish your schooling in high school with such kind of situation for it’s only few opportunities here to help you to support your needs than to college, so I encourage you to take a Philippine Examination Placement Test by next week. I have confident with you that you can do it! She said, unaware of my informal education background. I did not passed through a step-by-step grade level from elementary and some of my cards were just faked by merciful teachers to let me jumped to a higher grade and now here in high school with this third year level. And here I am, I could hardly believe, my teacher wants me to jump again to college and she has confident on me!” Confident”, a word that I needed most to hear on that time for inferiorities succumbed me most of the time in my life! Just prepare this so and so…. And I will help you to register when you have all the things that I said you would needed.

Some other things she was talking about were not clear anymore because of my excitement and happiness in replacement of my feelings I felt before I entered in the office. I thank God and my adviser for such good opportunity for me! I really thanked God with great relief and with a deep sighed for providing an instrument so that step by step I can fulfill my dreams.

After our class, I shared it with my closest friend and he too was so very happy and excited with me because I told him that I’m going to treat him in Jollibee if I am able to pass this exam, so I let him pray for me. Of course my dear friend! He assured me! So we separated from each other with happiness and excited in our hearts. Night came and I was visited with various emotions in my heart and thought in mind that I could hardly sleep. What if I failed, what if I did not finish my studies… and so many, many what ifs’ questioned that entered in my mind again. Oh! My life maybe has really no direction and worthless after if I failed this good chance for me. So I bowed down and prayed hard to give me wisdom and strength to face another challenge of everyday life that would come especially the coming test that I am going to take! After that, I slept peacefully with a lighter load of burden and cares of uncertainties of life!

A days before examination, I went to my sisters’ house to lent money that I would needed, and when I arrived there she was so happy that I was able to visit her but when I told the real reason why visited her she was a little bit disappointed but grant my request and gave me her last money in her pocket. She said luck for me and I immediately headed to my advisers house because she promised that she’s the one who will go to register me. So we went to the registration office and lo and behold! It was only one blank registration form left for me as if it was really waiting for me because if we were late a little bit or just a second then it might get by others and I need to wait another year or perhaps some other year again. My kind teacher and I were so very thankful to God with that miracle event I could say!

Examination day came. Nervousness haunted me once again for I’m thinking that maybe I’m the oldest guy taking an exam there and can’t imagine I’m surrounded by young persons staring at me to let me feel embarrass and uncomfortable. So again, I prayed fervently to God that just do His Will for me and let me overcome the feelings I had. When I entered and seat in my designated place, I tried to look around if I was right in my imagination and see! There’s a lot, lot older persons than myself, than I was thinking before. The exams were so hard for me and I can’t remember any that I was able to studied and learned from the classroom, why? Because despite of my informal education background, if I’m not late then I was absent then. So I just relied on the Will and Wisdom from above and with some information’s I learned from my personal readings of books which I borrowed for sometimes in some of my good friends.

One month had passed; I could hardly wait for the result of my exams. My closest friend and adviser were also waited for me. Also, sometimes I could hardly sleep to think about it, so I decided to go on the office of the examination center and asked for a result. Surely, I was not disappointed, they gave it to me! When I got to know the result, I want to shout…… shout for joy! Because I made it! But instead I looked up my head up to heaven and ascended my thanks giving prayer! I went to my adviser and thanked her and she said that I am free now to enroll in college. Oh! What a blessing for me! But of course before my story end, for sure we have a little celebration in Jollibee with my closest friend.

How happy I was during those times but for sure I will much, much happy when I had received my diploma last March 2005! As a bachelor holder in History and Minor in Political Science, the fulfilled dream of my life! Now, I am upgrading my Master’s degree in Guidance and Counseling and currently, worked as a Guidance Counselor, College Instructor, and Working Student Supervisor.

To you, my readers, I firmly encouraged you to Do your best and God will do the rest!

Always remember this: The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About the Author

Moises Padin Reconalla finished his Bachelor's degree in History and Minor in Political Science at Adventist University of the Philippines. He is also a License Social Studies teacher and worked as College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or wisdomisgreat@yahoo.com

All rights reserved Worldwide. Copyright 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information. But you are not allowed to alter or change any of the original texts without the prior approval of the author. This to avoid creating confusion to the reader. This article is written intended to help an individual to improve their life not to create confusion that can lead to the destruction of their thinking. If your intention is good...go! Publish my article!

Your Dimension of Greatness

Life is what we make it. Our future destined upon in our hands on how we can improve our lives to the fullest heights of success. In this world full of challenges, trials, and hardships, only the strong minded person are capable to change his destiny and conquer the impossible!

Beginning today, I will improve myself. I will cultivate my mind to have a dream and vision for my life. Life is so short therefore, I will motivate myself to improve and polish my attitude, character, and relationship with other people because this is the only assets and keys that I can win and gather the love, the support, and the respect from them, enable me to reach the top of the ladders of my goals and dreams.

Beginning today, if I feel inferior, if I feel insecure, and if I feel self-pity, I will remind myself with these words:

No one can know the potential of a life that is committed to win. With courage, the challenge its faces to achieve great success in the end!So explore the dimension of greatness and believe that the world can be won by a mind that fully committed and knowing the task can be done!

Your world has no place for the skeptic, No room for the doubter to stand, to weaken your firm resolution that you can excel in this land! You must have vision to see your potential and faith to believe that you can. Then courage to act with conviction to become what God meant you to be!

So, possess the strength and the courage to conquer whatever you chose. It’s the person who never gets started, that is destined forever to lose!

Beginning today, I will strive myself to become a man of excellence and valor. If I’ll experience defeat and failure, I will encourage myself to repeat and repeat these words again and again:

If you think you are beaten, you are!

If you think you dare not, you don’t!

If you’d like to win but you think you can’t, it’s certainly you won’t.

Life battles are not always go to stronger or faster man.

But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can!

Beginning today, I will eliminate and remove from my vocabulary such words as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, improbable, failure, hopeless, and retreat for they are the words and vocabulary of the losers!

Finally, I’ll continue remind myself that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!

Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About The Author

Moises Padin Reconalla finished his Bachelor's degree in History and Minor in Political Science at Adventist University of the Philippines. He is also a License Social Studies teacher and worked as College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or wisdomisgreat@yahoo.com

All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

This article is free for republishingSource: http://www.articlealley.com/

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I've Learned

I’ve learned that life is full of challenges, trials, as well as hardships and the only way to beat and conquer it, is to face it with full courage and enthusiasm as well as make God as a partner because with Him all things are possible.

I’ve learned that Life is what we make it. Our future destined upon in our hands on how we can improve our lives to the fullest heights of success. In this world full of challenges, trials, and hardships, only the strong minded person are capable to change his destiny and conquer the impossible!

I’ve learned that education is a gift that none can take away.

I’ve learned that reading good book; it's really a good amusement that can help the young mind like mine to dream towards the higher goal of life on how to conquer the impossible things!

I’ve learned that nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce half results. It produces no results, continuous work, hard work, is the only result that lasts.

I’ve learned that immortality is not a gift; Immortality is an achievement. Only those who strive mightily shall possess it.

I’ve learned that the heights by the great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, which their companions, slept, were toiling upward in the night.

I’ve learned that a self-pitying life is doomed life. Only the life which deliberately packs up and starts over again is victorious.

I’ve learned that the diamond cannot be polish without friction; nor man be perfected without trials.

I’ve learned that if you cannot change the direction of the wind; adjust your sails.

I’ve learned that the hardest things to give is kindness; it’s always comes back to the giver.

I’ve learned that if only wished to be happy this could be easily accomplish; but we wish to be happier than other people, and this is always difficult, for we believe others to be happier than we are.

I’ve learned that time is not money because you cannot accumulate time. You cannot regain time lost. You cannot borrow time.

I’ve learned that life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears.

I’ve learned that weak is he who permits his thoughts to control his actions and strong is he who forces his actions to control his thoughts.

I've learned that our world are full of backfighters, faultfinders, gossipers, mockers and insulters.

I’ve learned that a statue has never, never been erected in honor for a critics!

I’ve leaned that before any great accomplishment is achieved in reality, it’s believed in heart. If you need to hear the applause of the crowd, you have to begin your attack in the face of criticism, believing that the applause will come later.

I’ve learned that death and life are in the power of the tongue.

I’ve learned that a wound from a tongue is worst than a wound from a sword, for the latter affects only the body, the former affects the spirit.

I’ve learned that the enemy whom we do not suspect who is the most dangerous!

I’ve learned that we cannot control the evil tongue of others but a good life enables us to disregard them.

I’ve learned that we should close our ear against someone that shall open his mouth secretly against another. If you receive not his words, they fly back and wound him.

I’ve learned that the noble way to destroy an enemy is not to kill him but with kindness you may change him that he shall cease to be so, and then he’s slain.

I’ve learned that thousands of men breathe, more and live pass off the stage of life and are heard no more. Why? They did not give a particle of good in the world. None were blest by them. None could point to them as the instrument of their redemption. Their light went out in darkness and they were not remembered more than the insects of yesterday. Will you thus live and die? Live for something!

I’ve learned that if you have kind words to say, say them now, tomorrow may not come your way. Do a kindness while you may, love ones will not always stay. Say them now.

I’ve learned that we shall pass through this world but once; any good therefore that we can do or any kindness we can show to any human being let us do it now. Let us not defer it or neglect it for we shall not pass this way again.

I’ve learned Sufi Bayazi says this about himself: “I was a revolutionary when I was young, and all my prayer to God was … “Lord, give me the energy to change the world.”

As I approached middle age and realized that half my life was gone without changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to… “Lord, give me the grace to change all those who came contact with me. Just my family and friends, I shall be content.”

Now that I am an old man and my days are remembered, my one prayer is “Lord, give me the grace to change MYSELF.”Had I prayed for this right from the start, I should not have wasted my life.

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless Us All!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About The Author

Moises Padin Reconalla finished his Bachelor's degree in History and Minor in Political Science at Adventist University of the Philippines. He is also a License Social Studies teacher and worked as a College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or wisdomisgreat@yahoo.com

All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Article Source: http://www.content.onlypunjab.com

YOu Can If You Think You Can!

When I am in the deepest valley of problems, trials, sadness, and inferiorities, I’ll always recall these words, again and again to myself, when you are at your weakest, God is in His greatest. So don’t worry, be happy! You can if you can if you think can!

It’ really true that in this world, there are always problems, failures that will always accompanies in human being as long as he lives. Sometimes it can lead us to sink and loss our hopes to move on, to reach for the stars of our dreams.

As young man, I learned through my life experienced that life without trials is vanity! It cannot help you to be strong and to become a man of excellence. Only in time of trials and hardships that a man will be known in the pages of history if he is really a man of power, a man of courage or a man of talking and retreat. That is the reason why I’ll always promise this to myself that I will not allow any inferiorities and weaknesses to overcome me. Instead, I’ll take it as challenge and stepping-stone to conquer and shoot for the stars of my dreams. Am always believe that our loving and merciful God has a special plan and purpose to each one of us, sometimes He allows the enduring trials and hardships enable us to be sharpening like iron.

Dear readers, if your encounter with tough hardships, failures, problems and odds, your philosophy in life should be…Never, never give up! Or the burden may sink you; Providence kindly has mingled the cup and in all trials and troubles, that challenge you. The watchword of your life must be Never, never give up! Dare Mighty Things! Hold On to your Dreams! Try and try until you succeed!

People if you have tried and met with failure; if you have planned and watched your plans as they were crushed before your eyes; just remember that greatest men in all history were the products of courage, and courage, you know, is born in the cradle of adversity.

That is why I would like to encourage you to read as well as think of this carefully…

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you’d like to win but think you can’t, it’s almost certain you won’t.
Life’s battles don’t always to the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.

Paramahan Yogananda reminds you “…not take life’s experiences too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you for in reality they nothing worthy but dream experiences.”

She adds, “If circumstances are bad and you have to bear them, do not make them part of you. Play your part in life, but never forget that it is only a role!”

Dr. Peale elaborates and convinced you dear readers, to know yourself. Control your mind. Think. Make right decisions. Never accept defeat. Believe in yourself. Mentally accept your great future. Never think of failing. Believe that YOU CAN IF YOU THINK YOU CAN!

Finally, I believe this is one of the best formula and solutions to overcome all the chaos in life…

God said build a better world. "I asked, how? The world is such a big place, cold and complicated, I'm too young. There's little I can do." But God in all His wisdom said: JUST BUILD A BETTER YOU!"

Before I will conclude my article, I would like to remind you people. As you sail through life, don’t avoid rough waters! Sail on… because calm seas; never make you a skillful sailor! Be strong always! Because God will be your anchor!

Again, You Can If You Think You Can! Do your best and God will do the rest! Always remember…that the Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About The Author

Moises Currently worked as School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.
You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or visit his blog at http://www.mosesreconalla.krify.com/

All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Monday, December 11, 2006

What Makes a Leader?

Leader, leader where are you? Are you still sleeping?

In the history of mankind, the success and fall of a nation it lies upon in the leader.
In this present time, you often can find true and dedicated leaders to do their job well in the service of mankind. Many leaders nowadays, it’s sad to say but majority of them were just only after for money, power as well as recognition. ITS HURTS YOU KNOW! but it’s really true. Our world suffers because of some selfish leaders.

To become an effective and great leader it is one of the most painstaking kinds of job. That’s why I have arisen with this question, WHAT MAKES A LEADER?

In this short article, I will share with you, dear readers of what I’ve learned through my personal readings from the profiles as well as the writings of the great men of excellence and valor. To give you some tips enable you to become also a man of excellence, a man of honor, a man of dignity as well as a man of power!

Now, read carefully the following tips below and apply it to yourself. Dear readers, a great teacher once says, “Teach me and I will forget, show me and I will remember; allow me to do it and I will learn.”

The above wise teachings mean, you must apply the tips below and put it into action. Remember, action is louder than words! A true effective leader, they are doer; not a talker!

1. Character. Character is one of the best assets in the leadership. If you want to become a good as well as effective leader, encourage yourself to nurture your character, for your character will cover and protect your reputation!

James Legget once says, “Reputation is made in a moment. Character is built in a lifetime.”

2. Affirmation. Leader should and must understand that their members has an innate need to be treat like a human being, to be special, to be valued most. Tomas Carlyle reminds you “A great man shows his greatness by the way he treats little men.”

3. Avoid Criticizing. A true effective leader has no time in criticizing, mocking as well as insulting the individuals for their mistakes and failures. They are busy in improving themselves and helping the lowly ones.

4. Learn of controlling your temper. A true great leader knows how to manage his temper as well as his tongue during in times of volcanic eruption period. Always remember this; people will lost their honor and respect with you if you’re a hot – headed person!

5. Team Work. It is one of the essence as well as best ingredients in leadership. Andrew Carnegie, the author of the book How to Win Friends and Influenced People asserted “It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone.”

6. Mentoring. A leader cannot be qualified to be call leader without followers. To enable you to become a true, great effective leader, you must learn to become a follower also and encourage, motivate, nurture and train your flocks to become a good great leader in the future. Always remember this, people will forget what you said...But people will never forget how you made them feel!

7. Vision. To become an effective leader you should have always a vision for your group or members. The Word of God exclaims “Without vision people will perish.” So remember, are true effective leaders are visionary!

8. Risk. True great effective leaders are not afraid to take a risk. Stan Toler commended “Leaders are willing to pay a price. They’re prepared to barter what they have for what they might gain. They’re motivated more by the prospect of success than by the fear of failure. They’re adventurers. They’re not willing to stay on the porch.”

9. Motivation. True great leaders were busy in motivating as well as inspiring people. Stan Toler argued, “The best leaders are those who can inspire others to reach for something greater than themselves.”

10. Unselfish. True great leaders were not selfish. They are ready and open their hands wide to help his flocks in time of needs. Remember this dear readers, you shall pass through this world but once, any good therefore that you can do or any kindness you can show to any human being let you do it now. Let you not defer or neglect it, for you shall not pass this way again!

11. Build a better you. True great leaders are busy in continuing improving their attitude, character, talent, skills as well as relationship with other people. They’re not wasting their time for idleness. Every minute are important for them.

Before I will conclude my article, I would like to leave a special message for you, dear readers.

Sufi Bayazi says this about himself: “I was a revolutionary when I was young, and all my prayer to God was … “Lord, give me the energy to change the world.”

As I approached middle age and realized that half my life was gone without changing a single soul, I changed my prayer to… “Lord, give me the grace to change all those who came contact with me. Just my family and friends, I shall be content.”

Now that I am an old man and my days are remembered, my one prayer is “Lord, give me the grace to change MYSELF.”

Had I prayed for this right from the start, I should not have wasted my life.

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About The Author

Moises Padin Reconalla Currently worked as School Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com
All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

If You Are Wise!

By Moises Padin Reconalla

All rights reserved worldwide.

Moses3_13 If you are wise, you should have to take time to think before you react.

If you are wise, you should have take time to listen before you criticize.

If you are wise, you should have to take time to analyze before you emphasize.

If you are wise, you should have to take to time to lend your ears before you argue.

If you are wise, you should give enough time others to speak before you clarify.

If you are wise, you should give enough time others to clarify before you justify.

If you are wise, you should learn to cultivate yourself as well as practice encourage instead of discourage.

If you are wise, you should learn as well as teach yourself to be patient in dealing with people. Remember, you are not dealing with a people of logic. You are dealing with a people of emotions!

If you are wise, you should learn and teach yourself to manage as well control of your temper.

If you are wise, you should learn to hold as well as manage your tongue not to back fight, criticize, gossip, condemn and insult other people. Remember criticizing that is a mark of an inferior person. Real wise person has no time in back fighting, criticizing, condemning, gossiping and insulting other people. They are busy in cultivating and improving themselves and helping the lowly ones.

If you are wise, do not snub people. A real wise person does not snub but greet people with a sweet smile.

If you are wise, be honest in giving praises. Do not give a flattering answer or else people will hate and mock at you!

If you are wise, remain be humble instead of being proud. Remember, God mocked the proud but He lifted up the humble.

If you are wise, do not praise yourself in front of the people. Let people praise you, not yourself!

If you are wise, you should be careful as well as watchful in your character. For your character will be your weapon against the bad tongues and the negative, toxic people.

If you are wise, be an open-minded person. Remember this; there is more hope to the fools than to close-minded individuals!

If you are wise, you should continue feeding your mind with fresh knowledge and wisdom. Remember knowledge is power. No knowledge, no power!

If you are wise, you should encourage as well as teach yourself to value other people. Remember no man is an Island!

If you are wise, cultivate yourself to have your own originality. I’ve learned and discovered that one of the greatest mistakes of the young people nowadays is the lack of originality!

If you are wise, you should practice being kind to yourself as well as to other people. Always think of this; the hardest things to give is kindness, it’s always comes back to the giver!

Finally, if you are wise, cultivate as well as teach yourself to put God in the center and everything will come together.

Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!

Moises Padin Reconalla

About The Author

Moises Padin Reconalla is a License Social Studies teacher and worked as College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.

You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com

All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla

NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.