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By Moises Padin Reconalla
All rights reserved worldwide.
If you are wise, you should have to take time to think before you react.
If you are wise, you should have take time to listen before you criticize.
If you are wise, you should have to take time to analyze before you emphasize.
If you are wise, you should have to take to time to lend your ears before you argue.
If you are wise, you should give enough time others to speak before you clarify.
If you are wise, you should give enough time others to clarify before you justify.
If you are wise, you should learn to cultivate yourself as well as practice encourage instead of discourage.
If you are wise, you should learn as well as teach yourself to be patient in dealing with people. Remember, you are not dealing with a people of logic. You are dealing with a people of emotions!
If you are wise, you should learn and teach yourself to manage as well control of your temper.
If you are wise, you should learn to hold as well as manage your tongue not to back fight, criticize, gossip, condemn and insult other people. Remember criticizing that is a mark of an inferior person. Real wise person has no time in back fighting, criticizing, condemning, gossiping and insulting other people. They are busy in cultivating and improving themselves and helping the lowly ones.
If you are wise, do not snub people. A real wise person does not snub but greet people with a sweet smile.
If you are wise, be honest in giving praises. Do not give a flattering answer or else people will hate and mock at you!
If you are wise, remain be humble instead of being proud. Remember, God mocked the proud but He lifted up the humble.
If you are wise, do not praise yourself in front of the people. Let people praise you, not yourself!
If you are wise, you should be careful as well as watchful in your character. For your character will be your weapon against the bad tongues and the negative, toxic people.
If you are wise, be an open-minded person. Remember this; there is more hope to the fools than to close-minded individuals!
If you are wise, you should continue feeding your mind with fresh knowledge and wisdom. Remember knowledge is power. No knowledge, no power!
If you are wise, you should encourage as well as teach yourself to value other people. Remember no man is an Island!
If you are wise, cultivate yourself to have your own originality. I’ve learned and discovered that one of the greatest mistakes of the young people nowadays is the lack of originality!
If you are wise, you should practice being kind to yourself as well as to other people. Always think of this; the hardest things to give is kindness, it’s always comes back to the giver!
Finally, if you are wise, cultivate as well as teach yourself to put God in the center and everything will come together.
Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless!
Moises Padin Reconalla
About The Author
Moises Padin Reconalla is a License Social Studies teacher and worked as College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines.
You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com
All rights reserved World wide. Copyright December 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla
NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.
by Moises Padin Reconalla
Many people nowadays living in a miserable life, most of them have no knowledge and have no idea on how to rebuild their broken dreams, lost hopes, and miserable lives.
Majority of this kind or group of people has no concept on how to stretch their God-given talents and skills because of tragedy that happens in their lives.
How about you? Do you want to stay forever as a garbage, junk, unproductive, and defeated individuals? Remember my dear readers, life is so short, why not encourage yourself to stand once again and prove to yourself and to those people around you that You Can If You Think You Can!
Dear readers, you have a lot of chances and opportunities to rebuild your broken dreams, lost hopes, lost reputations, and miserable lives. I encourage you, learn from your mistakes! And think of this: The Diamond cannot be polish without friction; nor man be perfected without trials. So take the trials, chaos, and tragedy in your life as a challenge and a stepping- stone to succeed in life!
Before your born, Our Loving and Merciful God has already a beautiful plan and dreams for you. God said in Jeremiah 29:11-13, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” The Lord adds, “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me and find me, and I will listen to you. You will seek and find me when you seek with all your heart” (NIV).
I hope the above texts are enough to convince and encourage that you are a beautiful and unique creature and not a garbage, junk, and rug that other people may visualize of you. Below are the following keys, If you only faithfully follow its instruction and advise, it will help you to encourage and motivate yourself to THINK and GROW RICH!
1. Pray Daily. By praying and communicating to our Loving and Merciful God daily you can be able to ease, release all of the worries, pains, tensions of your life and find a good source of courage and strength to move on, to beat the odds in your life. If you're feeling lonely, blue, and depressed, God said, “Call me and I will answer you and show the great and mighty things which you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV).
2. Avoid toxic, negative people. Avoid people who are fun of criticizing, gossiping and judging other people. The Word of God clearly remind you this, “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV). The Word of God further added and gave warning to “Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips” (Proverbs 14:7 NIV).
But if you are the victims of the evilspeaking tongues of the negative, toxic people, I encouraged you…please do not take heed to that kind of garbage, junk individual but focus in your main goal to improve your life and succeed. Why I have told you that? Because me too before during my student's life, I experience a lot of criticism but as a young man and historian who are thirsty and hunger for knowledge and wisdom, through reading the profiles and writings of the great wise men of the world, I discovered, come up and finally concluded that a statue has never been erected in honor for a critics!
I’ve found out that before any great accomplishment is achieved in reality, it’s believed in heart. If you need to hear the applause of the crowd, you have to begin your attack in the face of criticism, believing that the applause will come later.
3. Encourage yourself to have a dream. By dreaming and visualizing your ambition, it can help and assist you to attain your goal in life. Napoleon Hill, the greatest inspirational classical author whom I admired most reminds you that “Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.”
Dear readers always recall these, if you have a dreams hold to your dreams. If your dreams die, you’re like a wounded bird without a wing!
4. Know and Identify your Purpose. Ask yourself, what is the cause that makes you need to tackle, or desire to succeed in your plan and goal? Is it worthy enough to consume your energy, effort, time, and commitment? John Maxwell, My most favorite leadership author point out that, “Behind every great accomplishment is a purpose, not a wish. Our purpose puts the seasoning in life, and makes it tasty and exciting.” Maxwell added, “Person with a purpose does things out of the ordinary, above average. Personality doesn’t make a person extra-ordinary. Neither does intelligence nor education. What makes a person extra-ordinary is a purpose – the consuming desire to accomplish something in life.”
John Maxwell further added and gave an acrostic that may help you understand and remember what a sense of purpose will do for you, how it will lift you out of the realm of the ordinary. A purpose will cause you to:
Pray more than the ordinary person.
Unite more than the ordinary person.
Risk more than the ordinary person.
Plan more than the ordinary person.
Observe more than ordinary person.
Sacrifice more than ordinary person.
Expect more than the ordinary person.
5. Encourage yourself to socialize with the wise people and you will become wise! Encouraged yourself to socialize with the group of people who has a dream and ambition because you will learn from them and it can encourage and motivate yourself to move on, to strive hard for excellence. The Word of God my dear readers firmly convinced you to “…walks with the wise, grows wise, but a companion of fools (negative, toxic people) suffers harms” (Proverbs 13:20 NIV).
6. Encourage and teach yourself to value knowledge and wisdom. The late Ernie Baron, A Filipino great journalist once said “Knowledge is Power. No Knowledge, No Power” and the Word of God is strongly gave advised and encouraged that you should always value knowledge and wisdom if you’ve really want to succeed your adhering in life. The Book of Proverbs 4:7-9 exclaim “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Through it cost all you have, get understanding. Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor. She will set garland of grace on your head and present you with a crown of splendor” (NIV).
Remember, the best investment you can make is in you. You can make more money or acquire more of whatever you want by investing in you than in any other investment!
So, starting today, surround yourself with the best of good books, best of music, and best of wise people because knowledge and wisdom is supreme!
7. Encourage yourself the value of hard work. If you’d really desire to attain your goal, encourage yourself to exert more effort and work hard. The Word of God assert that, “All hard works brings a profit, but mere talks leads only to poverty “(Proverbs 13:23 NIV). The Word of Lord again expressed out and warned you, “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth” (Proverbs 10:4 NIV).
Remember nothing worthwhile comes easily. Half effort does not produce half results. It produces no results, continuous work, hard work, is the only result that lasts!
8. Encourage and teach yourself the of value time. Remember time is not money because you cannot accumulate time. You cannot regain time lost. You cannot borrow time. So learn to use your time wisely. Think of this, life is so short; our life is like a vapor that appears for a moment and then disappears. Therefore, better live your best; act your best, and think your best today; for today is the sure preparation for tomorrow!
People, do not let your time pass without doing something good to yourself and to your fellowmen…remember time is short!
9. Take good care of your health. Except God, there is only one person who can be truly faithful, honest, and very loyal on you. That even in time of chaos, hardship and calamities who are always there to stay behind you through tick and thin no matter what happen and that is you! So, take good care of yourself, that is your only asset and only capital to succeed to your goals and dreams in life. Remember, Health is Wealth!
10. Don’t worry, be happy. Don’t worry about something that in reality does not really yet happens in your life. Instead of worrying, why not encourage yourself to think on how you can find a solution to solve your problems? Dr. Vincent Peal reminds you that, “Mental control is the secret of mature and creative judgment.” He added, “Your mind is an instrument designed to serve you, not to destroy you.” Dr. Peale warns that “When uncontrolled, your mind can be very damaging to you but when controlled it can developed unlimited power.”
Dr. Peale encourage you to “Know yourself. Control your mind. Think. Make right decisions. Never accept defeat. Believe in yourself. Mentally accept your great future. Never think of failing. Believe that you can if you think you can.”
Remember my dear readers, when you are at your weakest, God is in His greatest! So don’t worry, be happy!
11. Encourage and teach yourself to learn of controlling your tongue and temper. Many people put their lives into danger because of speaking without thinking and not learning on how to control and manage their temper. If you really want to succeed in your struggle in life, gain the support, gain the love, and gain the respect from the people around you, learn to manage your tongue and temper!
Think and ponder this for a moment, “Good understanding wins favor, but the way of the unfaithful is hard” (Proverbs 13:15 NIV). The Word of reminds you once again,, “He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks harshly will come to ruin” (Proverbs 13:3 NIV).
12. Let the Love and Faithfulness dwell in your heart. Our Great Almighty God encouraged should “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man” (Proverbs 3:3-4 NIV).
13. Encourage and teach yourself to value other people. Remember the sayings readers “No man is an Island”. Enable for you to become successful in you’re adhering in life, you should learn to value other people. In book entitled Team Work Makes the Dreams Work, John Maxwell pointed out “Teamwork gives you the best opportunity to turn vision into reality.” And Andrew Carnegie, the author of the book How to Win Friends and Influenced People added “It marks a big step in your development when you come to realize that other people can help you do a better job than you could do alone”. Helen Keller, the blind woman who became a great educator further added “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
The Word of God forcefully reminding us people, In the Book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 uttered, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; But how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (NIV).
14. Trust and Make God be the Center of your Life. Solomon, a great wise man advised if your really longing to succeed in any games and challenge of life, you must learn, practice, and encourage yourself to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV). And put God in the center and everything will come together (Romans 8:28 NIV).
Starting today, if you will make God as the center of your life, God has a special promised for you. He will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom! (Deuteronomy 28:11-13 NIV).
People remember John Maxwell reminds you that “The only person who can stop you from becoming what God intends you to become is you!
So, I encouraged you once again; Do your best always and God will do the rest!
And always recall this, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!
Wish you many blessings to come as well as God Bless us all!
Moises Padin Reconalla
About the Author Moises Padin Reconalla is a License Social Studies Teacher. Worked as a Guidance Counselor and College Instructor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com All rights reserved. Copyright November 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Moises_Reconalla |
In the history of great men, you will be amaze and surprise on what makes them great and known in the pages of history. As a young man and a young Historian, sometimes it comes- up in my mind the following questions: What are the secret of these great individuals, why they became so famous in the history of mankind? And what are the other reasons that motivated them to became a great men of excellence and valor?
In this article, I would like to share with you dear readers, the secret of what makes Dr. Jose Rizal famous as well as well-known in the pages in history of mankind.
On the night Dr. Jose Rizal was born, other were born in his hometown Calamba, Laguna and hundreds of other children were also born all over the Philippines. But why is it that of all these children, only one boy Jose Rizal rose to fame and greatness?
In the lives of all men there are influences which cause some to be great and others not. Dr. Gregorio and Dr. Sonia Zaide, explained in their book entitled “Jose Rizal: Life, Works, and Writings of Genius, Writer, Scientist and National Hero” on what makes Dr. Rizal became famous and great than other Filipino people. Dr. Gregorio and Dr. Sonia exclaimed that, “In the case of Rizal, he had all favorable influences, few other children in his time enjoyed.” They continued and proved their statements by giving the following reasons on what influences makes him to become a great man of excellence and valor.
1. Hereditary influence. According to biological science, there are inherent qualities which a person inherits from his ancestors and parents. Dr. Rizal through his Chinese ancestors, he derived his serious nature, frugality, patience, and love for children. From his Spanish ancestors, he got his elegance of bearing, sensitivity to insult, and gallantry to ladies. From his father, he inherited a profound sense of self-respect, the love for work, and the habit of independent thinking. And from his mother, he inherited his religious nature, the spirit of self-sacrifice, and the passion for arts and literature.
2. Environmental Influence. According to psychologists, environment, as well as heredity, affects the nature of a person. Environmental influence includes places, associates, and events. The scenic beauties of Calamba and the beautiful garden of the Rizal family stimulated the inborn artistic and literary talents of Jose Rizal. The religious atmosphere at his home fortified his religious nature. His brother, Paciano, instilled in his mind the love for freedom and justice. From his sisters, he learned to be a courteous and kind to women. His three uncles, brothers of his mother, exerted a good influence on him. Tio (Uncle) Jose Alberto, who had studied for eleven years in British school in Calcutta, India, and had traveled in Europe inspired him to develop his artistic ability. Tio (Uncle) Manuel, a husky and athletic man, encouraged him to develop his frail body by means of physical exercises, including horse riding, walking, and wrestling. And Tio Gregorio, a book lover, intensified his voracious reading of good books.
Father Leoncio Lopez, the old and learned parish priest of Calamba, fostered Rizal’s love for scholarship and intellectual honesty.
3. Aid of Divine Providence. Greater than heredity and environment in the fate of a man is the aid of Divine Providence. A person may have everything in life brains, wealth, and power but, without the aid of Divine Providence, he cannot attain greatness in the annals of the nation. Rizal was providentially destined to be the pride and glory of his nation. God had endowed him with the versatile gifts of a genius, the vibrant spirit of a nationalist, and the valiant heart to sacrifice for a noble cause.
How about you? Also want to become famous and great man in the future like Dr. Jose Rizal? If your answer is yes, I encouraged you, starting today promise to yourself that you will only socialize to the group of wise people, those people who has a good visions and plans for the future. Avoid the negative, toxic people who are only fun of talking, criticizing, mocking the mistakes of other people, instead of improving themselves and doing a valuable works for self-improvement.
The word of God reminds you dear readers, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad Company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV). And Word of God added, He walks with wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20 NIV).
Before I will conclude my article, I would like to encourage you once again; Do your best and God will do the rest!
Always remember this, The Future Belongs to Those Who Believes in the Beauty of Their Dreams!
Wish you many Blessings to come as well as God Bless!
Moises Padin Reconalla
About The Author Moises Padin Reconalla finished his Bachelor's degree in History and Minor in Political Science at Adventist University of the Philippines. He is also a License Social Studies teacher and worked as a College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College. You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or wisdomisgreat@yahoo.com All rights reserved World wide. Copyright November 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Moises_Reconalla |
By Moises Padin Reconalla
Our world is full of bad tongues, fault-finders, gossipers, mockers, and insulters but do these groups of individuals qualify to judge a man by his failures, mistakes and short-coming committed in his life? Are these toxic, negative people were given honor in the history of mankind for judging a foolishness to their fellow brothers, friends, relatives and neighbors? And how can we deal with this group of certain difficult people?
I advised you, dear readers to read this article and you will be blessed!
When I was a young boy and until now, I am always encountered a certain bad tongues, fault-finders, gossipers, mockers, and insulters group of individuals. Through the curiosity of this tiny computer of mine, I starting digging, reading, and searching the profiles and writings of the great wise men in the world to find out if these groups of toxic, negative individuals were given honor in the history of mankind. Through my research dear readers, I discovered and found out that a statue has never, never been erected in honor for a critic!
Teddy Roosevelt, the late great President of America once says, “In the battle of life, it is not the critic who counts; nor the one who points out how the strong person stumbled, or where the doer of a deed could have done better.
The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually strive to do deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotion, spends oneself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst, if he or she fails, at least fails while daring greatly. Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”
I’ve found out that before any great accomplishment is achieved in reality, it’s believed in heart. If you need to hear the applause of the crowd, you have to begin your attack in the face of criticism, believing that the applause will come later.
My dear readers, if you are the victims with this group of negative, toxic people, I advised and encouraged you, encourage yourself to stand-up like the Statue of Liberty of United States of America to confront, to remind, and to answer them with these words…
Don’t judge a man by the clothes he wears. God made the one, the tailor made the other.
Don’t judge a man by his family relations, Cain belonged to the best family.
Don’t judge a man by his speech, a parrot can talk. Tongue is but an instrument of sound.
Don’t judge a man by his failures in life. Many a man has failed whom God exalted to the highest place.
Don’t hit a man when his down. Lift him up. You yourself maybe down someday and may need a friendly hand!
People remember this; no one will feel you inferior without your consent!
Therefore, Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the Lord our God will do to all your enemies against whom you fight! (Joshua 10:25). What shall you need to do, is to call Him and God promised, He will answer you and show you the great and mighty things which you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).
Finally, dear readers ponder as well as think of this: it’s better to be a lion for one day than to be a sheep for the whole life!
Wish you many blessings to come and God bless!
Moises Padin Reconalla
About The Author
Moises Padin Reconalla finished his Bachelor's degree in History and Minor in Political Science at Adventist University of the Philippines. He is also a License Social Studies teacher and worked as a College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College.
You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or wisdomisgreat@yahoo.com
All rights reserved World wide. Copyright November 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla
NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information.
Article Source: http://www.positivearticles.com
In the fall of 1995, I started high school at Brgy. Hilaitan National High School, Guihulngan Negros Oriental, Philippines. Even though that was many years ago, I still recall my first day at Hilaitan and attending my first class, which happened to be History. My history teacher started the class by asking the question: Does history repeat itself?
As we began to discuss this question, our teacher provided us with some incredible facts that gave us much to consider in how we formed our answer. As we neared the end of the class time, he asked us to consider the following: Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960.
The major social issue during both of their presidencies was Civil Rights. Both of the presidents were elected by less than 50% of the popular vote. Lincoln’s opponent, Douglas, was born in 1813. Kennedy’s opponent, Nixon, was born in 1913. Both of the presidents lost a child while they were living in the White House. Both of the presidents were shot in the back of the head and both died on a Friday. Both assassins are known by all three of their names: John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald. Both successors to the presidency were Democratic Senators with the last name of Johnson. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808. Lynden Johnson was born in 1908.
Following this impressive list of facts concerning American history, we were thrown for a loop. We were forced to closely examine what our teacher was asking after he had presented those facts to us. Even though he had produced what seemed such compelling information, I determined that, no, history does not repeat itself, but rather man is prone to make the same mistakes repeatedly.
Through my observation of what happening in the society around the world, I’ve learned that there are three classes of people. The first learn from their own experience -these are the wisest people. The second learn from the experience of others – these are the happy ones. The third neither learn from their own experience nor from the experience of others – these are the fools!
Readers which in the three classes of people in the world are you belong?
Again I repeat, history does not repeat itself, but rather man is prone to make the same mistakes repeatedly!
Wish you many blessings to come and God Bless us All!
Moises Padin Reconalla
About The Author Moises Padin Reconalla is a License Social Studies teacher and worked as a College Guidance Counselor, College Instructor and Working Student Supervisor at North Davao Colleges, Panabo City, Philippines. Currently, he upgrades his Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling at Cor Jesu College. You can send your comments about this article through his email wisdomisgreat@gmail.com or wisdomisgreat@yahoo.com All rights reserved World wide. Copyright November 2006 by Moises Padin Reconalla NOTE: You're free to republish this article on your website, in your newsletter, in your e-book or in other publications provided that the article is reproduced in its entirety, including the author information. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Moises_Reconalla |